See my blog header? I can tell you the one thing it has in my common with my room, other then me, myself and I. See the amount of soft toys? I love them. I adore stuffed animals, and even if I can't hug every single one I have to sleep as much as I want to, I still adore them. And i have tonnes. Okay not mountains, but many enough. :P Collected from the years, some whined from my mother, some bought willingly.

My second oldest toy! Its a white seal my momma bought for me when... ah dang, I don't even remember myself. Its just... been there all the while. Its very cuddly, or used to be anyway. Now its fur is all grayish and hard, but I still keep it in my cupboard. 8D

A tiger bought from Sunway Lagoon! I forgot how old was I. Around 10? 11? I'm not so sure, but I think this was one of the ones I whined from my momma to get, and she relented. >D

Doggeh! My friend got it for me for my... thirteenth birthday party? I think so. I'm not so sure how old was i, but that was the only year I had a birthday party for myself, since I never really wanted one. But this doggy was one of the presents, and its very cuddly. xP

Teddy! My only teddy bear, and the one my momma bought back for me from Hong Kong. Its fur used to be a very glossy gold, but now its all brown. Its one of the four toys thats on my bed though, and sleeps with me. 8D

Pikachu! My aunt bought this for me, and is hella huge. I use to use it as a horse or something back when I was younger I think. xP Now its all flat and black and its tail came off, but I still keep it on top of my cupboard. :P It won't fit IN the cupboard.

Another doggy! This one is more recent though, a soft fluffy one momma bought for me last year. xP Its fur is still soft and fluffy, but its gone sorta gray. D8 But I still hug it! It joins teddy on my bed with me. 8D

Cowwww. Its like, a soft cuddly cow who can be unbuttoned in to a pillow, and its head is way too heavy for its body. But its cuddly and sleeps on my bed too! :P
Remember my second oldest one, the seal? Well lets introduce you to my oldest companion.

My pillow<3>D
But heck, age is no limit for soft toys! Everyone can haz soft toys right? Even an eighteen year old girl. 8D

I want this one now. Its in Genting. Anyone kind enough to get it for me? D: I fail at ring toss.
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