Breakfast at Novotel hotel was usually at the premier lounge where my stepdad was staying, and its buffet style. Not many choices though, and its usually bacons, eggs, baked beans, toast, your choice of jams, milk, cereal and dim sum. But there's two things I absolutely love from the buffet.

The cheese. I love love love love. It looks horrible, but its heavenly once you bite on it. So creamy, and suits perfect with bread in the morning. Absolutely heavenly. I ate this for three days straight and never got sick of it.

And the honey! If you look properly, its a whole damn honeycomb in the bowl, and you cut a slab and spread it all over your bread, best with butter. It is awesome. sauce. <3

Oh! And when I went to Singapore, I met up with friends too. They're friends I met online, but are lovely lovely people whom I love. On Saturday, its meet up with Rui and Valerie at Marina Square K-Box. :P We went a
little crazy in the room.

They kept running away from the camera, so I had to resort to ambushing them. >D

Valerie's loveeeee. Jiro Wang from Fahrenheit. Rui's just in there because I coerced her in to being in the picture.

Obligatory group picture before I leave! We sang for a total of three hours, and yeah, lots of screaming done when hot guys pop up on screen. xP

Went for a drink in the evening at the lounge again. 8D They served many finger food, and I tasted a little of Campari. I hated it. Urgh. Reminds me of fever medication, so I think I'll just stick to white wine and sprite thank you.

Met up with Olivia, Cleo and Hazel at Ikea Tampines on Sunday, just before I went back. Might I add, the meatballs in Ikea are as heavenly as ever. Me and Cleo were like, drinking the sauce down. And I loved the chicken wings that day! Ahhh. Ikea will be the death of me, I swear.

They're so darn cute, and listening to them talk about kpop is bloody amusing. xD I joined in once in a while, but for the most part I just listen. :P

Cutie Hazel on the way to Changi. They said they were going to send me off. Weee! Nice, heavenly friends are the loves<3

I wish I can go to Singapore again next year to meet up with them! And this time I don't think I'll need them to take me anymore, since I... think I will know how to get there by myself? I felt like such a bother asking them to come get me. But no more! I shall be independent. 8D

In the departure hall after I checked in. They were trying to renact a scene of a celebrity leaving and the fans going mad. xD Darn cute girls they are.
Ahhh. 2009 is coming to an end soon, no? 8D
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