Penang, the land where I somehow always end up going home with shopping from. xD I somehow love shopping at Queensbay and Gurney, and Batu Ferhinggi especially, though things proves opposite for my cousins.

We reached there late for the first day though, so we went to Esplanade for a walk first, where its really windy. For dinner, my uncle brought us to an awesome place for dinner - '
dua qiu ka', or literally translated, its "Under the Big Tree", which is basically a restaurant built under a huge tree.

The enviroment isn't fantastic. In fact, for first impressions, its horrible. But the food is godawesome.

My two favorites,
pai kut ong and fried... something. I was never sure what it is, but I still take in multiple pieces at each seating. xP
The next day we were scheduled to go to Gurney for a shopping trip, but before that, it was lunch at Kulim! Uncle said it was a meal which consisted of only fish. Five fish dishes and one veggie, and it was really outback. What I didn't expect, was that it was
really out back.

Go through roads like this, which was passable for one car only. Had to go on grass if there was an oncoming car. xp

Heck we even saw cows! Who looked so bloody thin I wonder what were they for. Definitely not for their meat, I doubt we'd be able to scrape any off their bones.

We ended up here. A god awesome place. We were surrounded with places like this.

Its actually a restaurant where they serve fish dishes with the fish freshly caught from their surrounding lakes. They even have four or five guard dogs to take care of them!

The place is really small, with not even cement floor. And it doesn't open at night, I didn't even have to ask to come to that conclusion. Why? Take a look at the roof. Notice the lack of lights? xP

The only drink served there. Its either this or plain water.

But the dishes were awesome. I'm no fish person, but this I wouldn't mind. The fish was fresh, easily identifiable. I loved the way they cook it, and the sting ray was god awesome. Going back there a second time I wouldn't mind, just not too often. The place is super out of the way. xP

Thats about it. The last two days was spent shopping in Gurney and Queensbay, and went to Ferhinggi at night and almost got raided by police, who went for the DVD stalls there. xP I miss the cousins now. D8
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