Malacca! I've visited here for many years, but I've never actually been a tourist before. So after the wedding, I skipped out of the white dress I borrowed, and in to a pair of shorts and blouse to go be all touristy. 8D

Pretty A'Famosa with the red buildings. If I'm not mistaken, its a protected cultural heritage isn't it? I've always heard about it, but this is probably the first time I've actually went to see it. :P

We climbed up to one of the Forts after that, and its been awhile since I took so many steps especially since holidays started, so my muscles were put in good use. But to no waste, for the view was awesome. We headed right up to... was it Fort St. Francis? Momma said it used to be a tomb, but when I stepped in there were camera's and equipment all over, I wonder if they were filming or something.

But the pictures taken were very pretty. The backdrop proved to be ethnic and when caught on camera, a perfect balance between the old and the new. I love all the pictures taken there. And the wind at the top there was perfect too, gave my hot sweaty body a good reprieve.

Street performance which is part of the Malacca... Festival thingy? The blonde dude in the green tank top at the side there just jumped in to dance, and it amuses me how these tourists can be so open, at the same time I find myself smiling at the sight of it. Its fun watching people be so in the moment. xp

Walked all the way to Menara Taming Sari, because my cousins saw the revolving tower from a distance and wanted to take a ride on it. It wasn't too far a walk away, just many steps coming down, and though my Grecian heels were killing me, I went anyway because I doubt I'll be a tourist many times. xp

View from the top was awesome. Could see the river, the housing areas, the ship that serves as a tourist attraction, and many things. And the darn cockpit-ish thingy we sat in revolved, so we basically saw everything 360 degrees around us. The whole thing was about 7 minutes, and granted, I had a headache after that, probably due to heat, lack of sleep and the revolving thingmajig, but its worth it, at least to me. xP

Silly uncle doing crazy stunts while we were waiting for the
Titanic to be assembled. xP
Walked towards Jonker street after that, since it was evening and the market was opening. I think my favourite part of the market is walking while eating the random snacks they sold there. I love doing it, that can be my dinner and i'll be satisfied. :P

But the rest wanted more dinner, so we headed off to some restaurant. Though here i give a word of dislike, restaurants at Jonkey Street are made to rip off overseas tourists, i swear. Their prices are so outrageously high, its insane, and I'm never going to eat at another restaurant there. Go for a coffee shop somewhere away, or just buy the food from the stalls at the market. Just don't step foot in to the restaurants, the prices are murderous.

So after the completely unsatisfying, outrageously expensive dinner, we headed to my favorite. Satay celup! Its basically just food on sticks like satay, but cooked in the sauce for satay, the
sambal kacang instead of normal soup, and I love it.
We drove home at around 10pm, but because its the last day of the long weekend, the jam on the way back was horrendous. Fell asleep in the car being a pillow for younger cousins, and probably only reached home at around 12-1AM. Everyone konked out immediately after cleaning up. xP
Day 3 and 4 was Sunway Pyramid and Ikea+Ikanao+The Curve, so I'll just skip that because shopping is an overused topic in my blog, and head straight for the Sunway Lagoon trip we had? Yosh! <3
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