This is turning in to some updated weekly blog wtf. xD Not that I intended it that way, but college is seriously way too crazy for me to update, that, and the fact that other then waking up, driving to college, class class class and then coming back home again, nothing else has been happening anyway. Mundane? More like BORING. With a huge capital B.
So here's random pictures from the week, college and otherwise.

Bubble Tea<333 The only thing that keeps me awake in Bio B class after a looong day. And Miss Lene's reward at the end of every week in college wtf. ;P

Eating fest in Glob class is a norm. The whole gang of us brings in like, different food items, and its like a picnic while we study. Mason drinks way too much tea, and Kahar + Naveen = chaos, but its amusing. xD Makes my life interesting anyway, and Miss Uma's sarcasm pwns. :p

Poor Bobdog got an operation last Wednesday, to remove some growth on his skin. The hunny is stuck with the Elizabethen collar for a whole ten days, just to restrain him from biting the incision. xDDD His adorable though! The way he moves SO CAREFULLY to avoid banging in to things, cause he can't see a thing with that contraption around his head. xP

Strawberries from Cameron Highlands! Delicious I tell you. I ate them together with vanilla ice cream, and it was heavennn~ Aunt brought them down, but they were going mouldy within a day, so we finished the whole lot.

Awesome chocolate fruitcake my aunt's friend made. It had a bit of alcohol in it too, a little bitter, but oh so chocolatey, it melted in my mouth. Literally.

Went to some Hakka cuisine restaurant in Pyramid today, and I have to say, the food wasn't all that good. Mom and uncle got a few dishes,a nd the only one I really liked was the bitter gourd with salted egg sauce, and thats only cause I like the salted egg. The rest were just normal stuff.

Teapot looked awesomely cool though. I think it was made of copper or something, cause it was pretty heavy, and I'm sure it costed a bomb to get, but I loved it. Probably only give the restaurant only a 4/10 though, cause the food was nothing to scream about.
Sleep time now. Have to go to brother's house tomorrow to babysit cause he wouldn't be around. I hate getting stuck in the middle sometimes, but its family. Rawr. Can't wait for movie marathon with Ben and Shien on Sunday. Wee!
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