Ne? My updates have been spread all over the place lately. Blame hectic life, and stuffies. And things like me getting a sore throat wtf? So irritating. I could hardly sleep!

Classes these days have been omg hectic. Bio A and B was so slow, I almost fell asleep in class. But Econs has been moving like a bullet train. Lecturer teaches at an omg super fast pace, I get a headache every morning in class trying to cram in the facts.

Globalisations pretty much the same, since Miss Uma is pwnsome. xD English is slow as per usual, but we've been doing more on research project. I just finished my Introduction today, due next week, and wtf I spent 4 hours on introduction alone! Needs so many facts and rules I almost died doing the two page introduction. And I have to keep reminding myself to cite, reference and paraphrase. *growls* Oh! Just in case anyones interested, I'm doing my research on death penalty, so if anyone has any info, feel free to help? =D

Did experiment in Bio class last week, where I tried to see the mitosis and meiosis in the roots of bulbs, but I phailed. =( My onion root was apparently not bloody growing, even if lecturer said I stained the cells well, so we'll probably do it again next week? Not so sure.

Temple today was fun! Had singing session again. The picture above would be Leon's hand trying to depict a turtle. Keyword being trying. I have no idea WHAT got in to Leon and Ben's head, but me and J agree that its only these pair of brothers that could try, in the morning no less, try and argue over which one can do a better imitation of a turtle swimming. With hands. Go figure. xD
Went to Ikano with my visiting uncle today, and I saw this book.

Which showed me how to bedazzle my phone! Of course I ain't going to do it, I love my phone the way it is, but its so pretty! Steal some ideas to use on my nails. :p
Went to fly kites again today, apparently Sunday is turning in to family day. xD No wind though, so me and the cousins went to play at the park. Imagine a couple of old teenagers playing in a playground? xDDD Ridiculous, but fun! And then we went to have our dinner at LLC. Fun day with family = pwnsome. Family rocks, no?
Classes start again tomorrow. *dies* Someone save me.
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