Sorry for the lack of updates lately, life has been hectic. College is crazeeee. 5 classes per day, with only one break, from 8.30 to 4 everyday. Mondays and Tuesdays are worst, going home at 6, I'm bloody overwhelmed. And its the same mundane life everyday, I have nothing to update about. Rawr.
But here are some random pictures I took throughout the week!

The old altar from my old house. We were moving the deities to a bigger temple, cause I was moving and all, and burning the old altar is one of the... traditions? I guess you could call it that. The whole thing was like a furnace when it was burning. I couldn't stand near it, and I could swear I can feel my hair burning off. x_x

Carcasses in front of my Bio lab wtf. xD The first thing that greeted me when I entered was three huge boards of stuffed animal carcasses, and I got freaked. Something about those lifeless beady eyes that murdered me. xP

Globalization class brain storming again. I have no idea why, but I've been doing a lot of drawing lately. Not like i can draw. I can't draw to save my life. >.<

Thats mine though! Cause we were short of time and I had no choice. In case you can't figure it out, thats supposed to be a human using a computer. I didn't draw the head though, cause I tried and it looks so disproportionate. xP Thats Mason's hand drawing it. The guy was probably the only drawer in our group. All Akram, Eason and I did was color, and think of a slogan. xP

Bio class! Class B is really boring though, or so I say. I mean, the lecturer's really sweet and all, but class is just so boring I really feel like falling asleep. Drawing mitosis and meioisis really isn't helping either.
Blah. Life has just been so mundane lately. But I'm going to pyramid with Lene, Gan, Raveena and Shi Mun and the rest tomorrow! At least some excitement. We're going to celebrate Gan and Raveena's birthday. I wana go ice skating. :p
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