Never managed to post about it, but I went kite flying with the family last week, on Sunday, at the park near my house.

Failed miserably. *shot*
But we're determined! And we're also a stubborn bunch. And also cause my smallest uncle is down this week, we went to do some kite flying again today! Down at the park again.
And miraculously! It flew!

Pretty, no? This was only when the kite was halfway up. Didn't help that it wasn't all that windy, but I think we spent a solid half an hour trying to get the darn thing airborne! I almost thought we were going to fail again this week.

I was only being the kite launcher for that day, since I already proved myself a hopeless kite flyer the week before. :p

It flew though! Seriously! As seen in the picture above. :p It was around... 7 already? Sun had already set, which by the way, was gorgeous. Lookie!

Gorgeous, no? Golden threads silhouetting the darkening sky, and that little dot there is my kite. :p

The pro with kites. The one who used to steal other people's kites when he was younger by coating his own kite string with glass and snapping the string of other kites. Evil uncle. >:)

Me flying kite! I was tugging at it cause it was falling. Notice how everyone was looking up at the kite? We could finally get it airborne, and I didn't even do it. xD It was my other uncle who did it. :p Yes, we city kids are hopeless. But heck, it just proves we need to get out on our butt more ne? Games like NDS's and PSP's these days do us no good. Whatever happened to the days of playing games like marbles, or using a chalk and a rubberband? Tsktsk.
I remember the days when me and my cousins used to gather outside of my grandma's house the moment the clock reached five and our parents let us out, just so we can play those mindless games. Chalk was essential, cause we liked drawing on the ground, play hopskotch, or we call it 'Pui Ki' here. We even played this game where you had to randomly drop a rubber band behind a person, and the one who got chosen had to chase the other around the circle we sat in... yeah, pretty random game. But it was fun! :P

Went back after half an hour of flying the kites, we went to have dinner at this new steamboat place near my house. Spent a good hour there eating and laughing at completely random things.

One uncle + Huge plate of noodles. xDDDD We were laughing at how he was just too lazy to move everything all in to a smaller bowl, which made sense, since he was going to finish the whole plate anyway, but... :p
Planning to go again next week, cause youngest uncle is only going back on Monday next next week. Did I ever mention spending time with family = gold? :P
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