Woke up bloody early. Around... what, 7.15? Automatic alarm clock. xD I was excited! I've been waiting for Daicon for ages, and I got to go this morning. :p

Went to eat breakfast at SS19 first, but I was bloody excited to get to MMU Cyberjaya, partly cause I wanted to get there early to avoid the crowd, and partly cause... well its a Japanese expo! What else can be better!

Got there rather early, around 10.50 or something, and technically Daicon was only supposed to be open at 11, but since I could enter, I just went in. Surprised to find quite an amount of people there already though, especially cosplayers and media members. I could see people walking around with huge cameras! xD

Where I spent most of the time. Yes, I'm a fangirl down at heart, and I fangirl over the
best boyband in Japan, Arashi, but I keep most of my spazzings over at
my LJ, and try to keep my blog here spazz free. xD Feel free to wander over there and see this blogger squeal and scream like a madgirl over a couple of Japanese boys though. :p
But other then the booths of Johnny's Entertainment boybands, there were many other things. Of course, cosplayers were by default. They even had a cosplay competition there.

Huge ass knife. I think the guy borrowed the knife from this other guy who was cosplaying... Cloud Strife? Not really sure.

Cute, no? The girl cosplayers were probably the best, cause all of them were dressed so adorably!

Maid cafe! Like the cafe's in Akihabara, of course, this is the Malaysian version of it, and not as good, but still, its pretty amusing to watch.

Cute corner! Japan's all about the cuteness, but I'm wondering whats the corner for. For guys to have take pictures of the maids sitting at the corner... or for guys to have a photoshoot
with the pretty maids? xDD

Ignore retarded looking me and look at the pretty maids! And notice I've changed my shirt too. xD Friends at the Arashi booth were giving free Comic Con shirts, on the condition that I had to wear it immediately, so I went to change in the toilet. :p

Plenty of anime figurines there too! I recognized a few, like Zero, Suzumi Haruhi and stuff, but not many, since I'm not much of an anime junkie. They look expensive though. :p

The projector where I spent most of my time in front of singing and dancing and making a fool of myself, but I heck care cause I was dancing to my fandom music. :p Yes I adore them very the very much tq. xD
Went home at 12 something, cause my mom was being bored there. I could've stayed there the
whole damn day just singing and hanging around, but I didn't know the way there so i had to ask my mom drive me there. T-T Its still going on tomorrow though, so for those of you who love Jpop, or anime, I would suggest you guys head there! :D