Guess what I saw when I opened my eyes yesterday morning? The first thing that greeted my sight was this.

Want a closer look?

Its an effing cockroach. A COCKROACH. Anyone who knows me would KNOW I hate cockroaches. I can stand lizards (as long as I don't touch them), but I can't stand the creepy, disgusting looking cockroaches. They're just... I don't know. Phobia I guess? I jumped out of bed and ran to room of the 'rents. No I didn't scream. I was never one for screaming, but... sheesh. Gives me the shivers. >.<

Mom cooked this today. Sweet potato soup, my favorite. Its real easy. Buy the sweet potatoes, and boil them together with sugar, water and pandan leaves. Put in sugar as you see fit. I like it sweeter so I put more in. Its the best for people who are sick with fever, but I drink it sickness or no sickness. Its sweet and clear, just the right taste.
Now Its back to studying for finals. I am gonna need all the luck I can get if I wanna graduate MUFY this year. Onegai, I
have to graduate. ;_;
I really don't get what is wrong with me, but I
can't seem to concentrate. I mean, seriously. The finals for Glob is only a day away, and I can't seem to get anything in my head. Bargh. Imma go photoshop stuff, and then do some character building before going back to try and study again. Being unproductive is annoying. =.=
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