If you guys read before, you'll realize how much I adore my temple mates. I literally grew up with them, and though some came later then others, we're good friends never the less. I can always count on them, and there's a myriad of talents in all of them.
Yesterday night was concert night for SDS, and most possibly my last concert night with them since I'm graduating this year. Despite it being tiring, I was rather melancholy when it did end last night. Suddenly realized I... as pessimistic as I may sound, might never see them again.

I went there quite early, seeing as I was supposed to be an usherer, but ended up helping VoT all night long anyway. Had to wrangle the guys to come and have their make up done. I don't get what is it with guys and their huge resistence with make up. Its just powder, guys. xP

While on stage helping them though, I looked out and realized how much I really missed performing. aside from the talent quest in MUFY a couple of months ago, I really haven't been on stage since i quit dance, and I miss it, especially dancing performances. I've been on stage since I was a kid, and... I guess I just miss the adrenaline rush? I dunno. I wish I could go on stage once more, but I was too busy with exams before the concert to commit. :(

They did great though, as always. Sad that I couldn't join VoT this time because of stupid stupid exams, but I did enjoy watching them off stage. Its amusing watching ppl offstage, because you get to see them doing the one thing they've been practicing for so long for. I guess I also miss working hard for one performance, that feeling. xP
And then after their dance, which was awesome, they came back to the audience to watch the rest of the performance. Well, I say watch in the most unliteral sense of the word, at least for me and Ben, and partially, Jason. See, I got a little bored with sketches, and ended up pulling my DS out. But Ben
stole it from me took it, and the whole night he was just like this.

While I was freezing my neck off next to him and laughing at how his jumping at the games. Really, I love the kids at SDS, but sketches are blah for me. So I was just wrapping myself with Jason's shirt he lent me to keep warm, rubbing Jason's freezing hands while laughing at how Ben was playing my DS. xD See Ben! You should've bought a DS instead of PSP.
/is a firm NDS supporter.

I love SDS, especially all the friends I've made her. I may not be the most devout follower of religion, but I do love the fact that it was the temple that had found me so many awesome friends, inclusive of the ones not there that night.
*coughJiaying, Diane, Annshien, Joann, Chynacough*. I wish and hope we'll never lose contact, because I would never want to lose such awesome friends. And all of them are like brothers and sisters to me.
Keep in touch guys, especially during the holidays cause I'm so bored my brains are falling out. xP Love you guys<3
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