My social life iz back now. Even my moms saying I go out too much these days. But I practically became a hermit during exams! I wanna.

Celebrated Sophia's birthday a day earlier together with Kirsten and Jessica at Loganhause. Or Laugenhause. I dunno how you spell it wtf. But anyway! I haven't seem them in quite a while, and though it would've been nice if Mei went as well, but she couldn't cause she had prior engagement, so we made do. Got caught in a jam going in USJ fml, if kl traffic is bad, usj traffic is worst at peak hours. Horrible.

I do miss them, and their crazy antics. Like Kirst said, college and form six probably made us more insane and ridiculous and open, because heck Jess was butt grabbing in the middle of the road. People probably thought girls were getting raped that night or something wtf. xD

My unagi + garlic rice that night, which I didn't really enjoy. The unagi was too salty, and the rice was fried too dry, and there was no taste of garlic at all. But I did like the piece of lamb from Kirsten's dish that she bartered with me though, very tasty.

We had dares for Sophia that night, and Kirsten made her eat the strawberry on the cake I bought for her in a 'sexy' way. Did she succeed? You be the judge. xP all I did was make her eat salted cake. It wasn't
that bad... right? =D

We went to Happy Beans after that, a dessert shop. And I have to say, it wasn't all too bad. Their cincau is extremely fresh, and very soft and chewy, I love it. Had to go home after that though. Rawr.

Next day I went shopping with Mei, at pyramid. I told you my social life is coming back. Ngek ngek. Its been a long time since I last went shopping too. I think that was when... my aunt came? 2 or 3 weeks ago? Dayum.
We didn't do much mostly, just talked, walked around, shopped... oh! and we went to Kitschen to try out clothes. We did try out Niichii and Forever 21, but nothing there caught our eye. Lookie!

I bought this, the ruffley dress/top, minus the vest. I didn't like it cause it looked too darn... I dunno, ratty? It just didn't suit me, but I loved the ruffled top, and its made of satin so its darn good material. I splurged 49.90, something I don't usually do often on clothes, but I loved it.

Bought this too! Matching friendship bracelets ftw. Bought from diva, and it looks pretty and shiny! Courtesy of Mei Xin who polished it, but I love shiny things, so I love it, and of course, the person that wears the matching bracelet. :D

Went to the yogurt place called Tutti Fruiti with her as well, just to try it. and well... its hecka expensive, but its too durn good! Its like, ice cream AND yogurt mixed together, and just the right amount of sourness. Delicious I say, awesome sauce delicious.
Went home after we looked for her mom's birthday present. And I have one more thing to update about, the concert tonight, but I feel so dead I wanna sleep now. ;_; I wish the concert never ended though, its awesome<3 But I feel dead, so sleep time is in order. Thank god there was no make up to wash off. Was too lazy to put it on before I went out. xP
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