Brought the bestie out to do her hair yesterday at 'A Cut Above'. She said she wanted a change of hairstyle, so we got it for her birthday present. xP Her hair was covered in marinade sauce first, a.k.a the chemical needed for the hair to be permed.

And then her hair was grilled underneath that super hot metal thing. See the round solar-ish thing around her head? That thing was bloody hot, I swear I could do a barbeque under it. xP
And while she was getting her hair done, I jumped in to wash my hair too. I love nothing more then a good salon hairwash, and since I was already there, why not?

Salon perfection, one I can never achieve. I don't know
how they blow dry the hair, but it always shines and gleams and curls at just the right places! I can never get it. D:

After being marinated and grilled, she was in for a lil curling time, which should be typical of any perming session. And while she sat there, me and Jess fed her.

With portugese egg tart! Reasons undisclosed, but the egg tart we bought was really good. I think I'll go back to Pyramid on Friday to get more, they're so durn good to eat. Melts in your mouth, I swear.

Pretty? Of course. xD Curls suits her very much.
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