No, not of the wrong kind. I'm talking about pool. xP Temple had a lunch thingy to celebrate our concert last week, and the extended family and me headed over there just for the heck of it. I was... surprisingly early though, considering I only left at 3pm, the time when the lunch was supposed to start. So while we waited, and listened to Ben and Jason chattering on about everything under the sun, I played with the hat they used during their performance last week.

They came after a while though, and as usual we just sat to one side talking and stealing each others food (okay that was mainly me. /shot), while watching the rest of the world do their stuff.

They had a little cake cutting session after lunch though, to congratulate everyone on a job well done, and then they elder ones were tasked with cutting and giving out the cake. I admit, I didn't cut the cake well, those goddamn fruits kept falling off. Rawr. But erm, when Yao Zhong was supposed to serve the cake... well.

Thats how it ended up. Apetizing? We couldn't stop lauging, and he was only making it worst. xD The grapes and stuff were rolling off, and Teacher Karen was asking him to fix it.

Oh well, he tried. xP

Pool after that, at Asia Cafe. It was my first time playing though, so Ben taught me. Trust me, I sucked, horribly. Never mind the fact that we were laughing at Yao Zhong again, this time because he miraculously shoots the white ball in to the hole - three times in a row. Its amusing to watch really, but I shouldn't be talking, its my first time after all.

I think I got addicted to the game though. Its impossibly fun. Rawr. But everyone seems to be busy with exams, and two people can hardly play pool can they? Okay they can, but its no fun. Anyone wants to play pool with me? 8D
We went home after that. And my momma brought me to One U today because she had to do work there, so I shopped by myself. Bought books to entertain self to prevent brains from falling out. 8D

This shop just opened at One U. At least I think its new. It makes sweets! And not the norm ones too, these are handmade, as I'm sure you can read.

First the soft malleable ones are pulled and moulded in to long thin sticks.

Then they're rolled like this to cool them off.
Before being cut in to small bite sized pieces, each candy comes with an outer coating and an inner coating of a different color, and you can even personalize the words in them if you want to! They'll end up looking like this.

Unfortunately for me, they were expensive so I didn't get one. Rawr. But anyone wants to sponsor me? I don't mind. xP
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