I know I was crying out for holidays to come when I was going through MUFY, but now that they're here, I feel so goddamn bored to my bone, I think my brains are about to fall out. Not that I particularly want to get back to studying. But can I have MUFY with the friends and fun, without the exams and books? Baah.

Browniessss. Beng You made the cake actually, and its the ultimate delicious-ness. Unlike the dry ones out there, his one is the perfect moist texture. Heat it up with microwave, and give it some ice-cream topping, and you get the world's most awesome dessert. For me at least. xP

I ended up being so bored I camwhored in front of my
oven wtf. That, and because Hyun was late. Cyeah, I went out with Jung, Hyun and SuuJi for lunch today. Nothing biggie, just to Parade like, a stones throw away from my home.
Headed for Secret Recipe, after walking around the whole place. The guys were being fickle minded, and seriously, its annoying. Rawr.

I got bored while waiting for the food, and they were talking in Korean again. So just stoned there. xP

Jung's lasagna, which IMO was way too oily. I did like the bread at the side though, which is very unlike our normal bread. Put it with the lasagna sauce and its heavenly. xP

Hyun's mac&cheese. I love it, but its way too cheesy, I probably wouldn't be able to finish... not even half the bowl, seriously. Its very packed with cheese, and rather oily too, but I'm a girl who loves mac&cheese, so I'm moot point.

SuuJi's shephard pie. The girl eats too little, I swear. she says she ate before she came out, but still. the crust is too soft, but I love the mash potato and lamb filling inside, very good.

My vietnamese beef noodles. I love the spicy taste of the noodles, and the beef balls, but... frankly speaking, I think the coffee shop one near Taman Megah tastes better. The soup is really unique though.
I dragged them to the bookshop and Speedy after that, because I needed to buy something to fill boredom. Got myself magazines, and Kimi Wa Pettou to watch, as soon as I finish watching Nodame Cantabile. It was a good idea to start on dramas
after my exams seriously, I'm addicted to Nodame Cantabile now, and I love their abusive relationship between Chiaki-sempai and Nodame, so cute! I can't wait for the movie out in December, and how am I supposed to wait three months for the next installment? T_T
Of course, I didn't manage to get a single picture of these camera-phobic people. I swear, they run to the other end of the globe when I pull my camera out. =.=

Hyun sent us back, and I was bored while he was chattering away with Jung. They're going back to Korea on Saturday. ;_; I won't have anyone to
pei me anymore. D:
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