See, I'm a person who loves long hair. If you know me, you would know I love my hair above anything. I wash it everyday, and aside from a straightening treatment every two years, I let nothing else touch my hair... except for that once after Form 5 where I highlighted it red, but I'm never gonna do something like that again. I've had long hair for a long long time... but I wanted a change. Got too bored.

Went to cut my hair yesterday, and I love the washing hair process. xP Its fun having someone wash your hair, it feels relaxing. When I was a kid I used to ask my mom to wash my hair for me, and even now I let my younger cousins play with my hair. I feel relaxed with someone tugging at my hair wtf, weird much? xP

Cute hairstylist cutting hair. :P His a little too old for me, but he
is rather cute.
I didn't want my hair too short, since I haz round face, and short hair will only make it look like a ball, so I didn't want to cut it till my chin. Never the less, my hair is a good few inches shorter now, something like this.

All taken directly after the hairstylist finished drying my hair. It looks so perfect T-T. How do they attain such perfection each time? I could never do that to my own hair! ;_;
How does it look? Should I keep it short? I think I look sorta matured, but my mom says it makes me look more my age, or younger. Ya think? :P
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