MUFY, has been awesome, honestly speaking. I entered the course so freaking scared cause I didn't attend the orientation and I knew virtually no one. I was freaked out cause I missed my first class... but the whole year has been something I will never, ever forget.

Now waking up every morning to go to college, facing my classmates and the friends which have made my whole course memorable will never, ever be erased from memory. The inside jokes, the lunches and laughter, the stress facing exams and the sighs of relief after every paper, everything I cherish deeply in my heart. Ending the day had always been a joyful event, but for today it hit me like a rock in the heart.

My Econs A/B girls, the one whose been with me from the very first sem. The ones who always had lunch with me everyday. I feel like laughing when I think of them, cause somehow or rather we always end up laughing together no matter what. The five of them have been awesome friends, always there for each other and me, and the inside jokes we share are incomparable. Short fingers, anyone? xDDD

The stars of my college course, the food we share, the knowledge we give, and the randomities we do together shall always be loved.

Econs B1 class of 2009, forever love.

Bio class had always been more serious, no thanks to the ridiculous imbalance between the syllabus for Bio A and Bio B, but never the less, class had always been fun. Eating in class *coughLenecoughJoeYeecough* and reading Bio at the same time had never been better. xD I doubt I'd have found Bio class fun if not for Gan's super hyperactiveness, Lene's sarcasm. Btw, Cynthia, I never knew our immune system used memory cards to remember the pathogens that had attacked our body. :P

Bio A7 class of 2009, forever love.

Our 'hardworking' English class. xD Real hardworking we are, with the fact that almost half the time half the class isn't there. Skipping class kings. :p But never the less, class with them was fun. The random comments, the debate during our presentation for our research projects are unforgettable. GT and Tumo fighting are hilarious, and glowy fishes, Eng Hwa? Seriously. xP

Half of the time in class, we spend it taking pictures anyway, since with only theme study and research project, there really is not much to study about. But never the less, Ms. Putri was always extremely accomodating of us, and we can't thank her enough. Class would never have been the same without random remarks from Joe Ee and Eng Hwa, and the debates between Tumo and GT, with the rest of us either rolling our eyes or laughing. :p

Eng B4 class of 2009, forever love.

Globalization class had always been one huge picnic. We always bring food in because Miss Uma allowed us. Its the fun class, basically, with a lot of reading. Miss Uma's sarcasm, Naveen's lameness, the pokes of the Musketeers behind, Mr. Chinamen and Mason the Hulk makes the class. Definitely going to miss the lameness so consistent from Naveen, as well as Akram spouting the knowledge we're all so amazed with each time.

And this guy whose able to make me actually look short for once, Mason the Hulk, whose a head freaking taller then me. :p Of course, I will miss the best teacher of all pwnsome times, Miss Uma.

The best teacher ever, whose always looking out for our interests first. Not to mention her legendary sarcasm. xD Like what Naveen suggested, she should write a book for comebacks, it'd get #1 on the selling list fohsure. God knows how many times she bombed Zooeid and Akram and Mason with coming late. :p

Not the full picture, since people ran away, but anyway...
Glob A class of 2009, forever love

Bio B class had always been slow, like I said, the syllabus distribution for Bio A and B is horribly imbalanced, and as a result we don't really have much to study in Bio B. But never the less, Nadia, Kumari, Melissa and Tharveena always made class fun, not to mention with Gan's hyperactiveness and Lene's never-ending questions. :P

Of course, not forgetting Jia Qing, fellow fangirl. :P Bio B class is fun, despite the fact that we can go insane trying to memorize facts from evolution and inheritence sometimes, Ms. Kavitha helps a lot, and its the classmates that makes a class.

Bio B3 class of 2009, forever love.
Yes, if it isn't obvious enough, I'm emo-ing about the last day of college. I've spent a year with these people, and they've given me awesome times. *coughnevermanagedtogetapictureofjonghyuntheescapartist* but anyway! Finals start tomorrow, and then we have genting trip after exams! I can't wait, and year 2009 of MUFY will always be in my heart<3
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