Fun day! Well, sort of. I'm always a dog person, so whatever day that involves dogs are usually fun for me. And my younger cousin was getting a dog, a miniature schnauzer to be exact, so yeah. fun! She's ten years old, and my brother was handling a lot of stuff with the breeder, so I actually got to handle the small little bugger the most.

Meet Celine, a 2 month old salt and pepper mini schnauzer, whom I suspect I'll be seeing a lot of for the next few months. Because she's currently staying in my brothers house, not my aunts. She got sorta attached to me though, since i carried it all the way from the vets back home. Which by the way, the vet we visited was very good. Its somewhere past Klang Parade, called Lian's Vet or something. The doctor was genuinely concerned for the animals, and could care less about what the customer/owner thought of her, as long as the pet is in perfect health, and that really awed me. Totally recommend anyone whose looking for a good vet to go there.

Dinner was a late birthday dinner cum anniversary dinner for the parental units, and it was at Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant. Now trust me, I'm not someone who eats abalone every meal, and I still don't see the huge hubbub in the Chinese community over something thats tasteless and rubbery. Neither do I see the health benefits in eating sea cucumber, something which sucks the dirt off sea floors. But I have to admit, the abalone
was pretty good. Albeit not something I'd consume everyday. I'll cry through the meal if i was paying, but hey, good experiance and money
not from my own pocket. So here goes.

First dish was a soup, mine was 'Buddha Jumps Over the Wall', which is nice. Though I've never really found out
why did Buddha jump over the wall, but oh well. There was another choice, the sharks fin, but since I don't drink sharks fin, then I took this one. Good choice though, cause there was a mini abalone in there for consumation. :P

Second and third dish was the abalone and the sea cucumber. All awesome food, but then again, they cost a bomb so they BETTER taste awesome. The abalone, I admit did taste good, but not something i would die to eat for. Don't ask me why the Chinese believe the sea cucumber has medicinal properties, I have no idea.

This vege dish however, is in here simply to show just how meagre the portion was. Four stalks of vegetable, hip hip hurray! First time I don't have to guzzle down my greens. >D

Dessert! Best part of any meal. Ours was originally almond juice, but we didn't particularly favor that, so we changed it to Mango Sago. It was pretty good, with the pomelo sprinklings on top. But the mango tasted fake though, like very.

Birds nest egg tart! This one was ala carte, not included in the set. I ordered it because... well, curiosity! I love egg tart, and I was curious as to how the birds nest would blend it. Heavenly should sum it up. The crust is perfect, melt in your mouth type. The birds nest smelt and tasted wonderful, and the custard just right. And i swear, my sweet tooth is overbearing. The two dishes I enjoyed the most was dessert. xD
There were more courses of course, a dish of noodles and a few others I don't remember, but it was only this few that stood out to me. Oh! Guess what happened when we went to get our car from the underground parking.

Thats what you see from the front seat.

And basically, the whole parking lot. Why yes, if you still don't catch my drift. The whole damn parking lot was literally, very literally
full. The pathways and EVERYWHERE was parked to brim.

See the red arrow? That was our car. It was stuck behind two cars. But no sweat, the parking lot attendants just came and drove every car away and we could go out, but seriously, you have to be there to see the epicness of that scene. Pictures and words don't do them justice. xD
Its surprising to hear how the car owners just passed the key to these people though, I for one wouldn't do it. Breach of privacy and safety and all that jazz. But hey, it was an amusing sight. :P
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