CNY! Went home to grammas place in SP on the first day of the new year, a place I have the most memories in.

Ethnic looking huh? The first picture is the toilets, the second one is the kitchen. There's only one bathroom in the whole house, so imagine how is it like in bathtime. Back when we were kids, we used to line up in front of the bathroom, each wanting to be the first. Now its just bathe > get out > yell the name for the next person > go change. And the next person will do the same. xD
The kitchen is hella hard to cook it in the evening, cause you get attacked by mosquitoes, so I don't really enjoy doing work there, but hey, its very ethnic? x_x

We had our steamboat reunion dinner when the aunts and uncles came over on the second day! Imagine fifteen grown ups and fifteen kids around a small dining area and all over the place? Chaos, havoc, and a typical dinner in the house with everyone over.

Its the attack of the food!

Two tables each with different soup stocks, and still a lot of us didn't have places to sit, so I ended up standing while eating. And whilst everyone was eating~

SUPER PRO CAMERA. Okay I admit, I love DSLR's so yeah, I sort of stalk my cousins DSLR. But ain't their pictures the awesomest?! I haven't gotten the pictures from him yet, so I'll let you guys compare when I actually get it.

Wash up! Ironic that its only guys in the kitchen? xD We wash our own plates, except for those who can't really stand too long or stuff, so it makes work easier. It'll be insane if you try and watch thirty plates/bowls/chopsticks/etc. alone.

Cousins went out to play after dinner, it was almost sunset that time. They bought two of the cutest lion dance stuff, mini sized ones for kids, and its adorable watching them run and jump around with them. :p

Saw the most gorgeous sunset there, something impossible to be seen in the city, or almost anyway. Oh, did i mention I saw a shooting star whilst at SP? So pretty! I've never actually seen a shooting star before, so suffice to say I was very
'jakun' when i saw it.

Lotsa picture taking at night! But only cause we couldn't stand being outside anymore. The amount of mosquitoes there are insane, but its something we're all so used to we don't even complain about them anymore.
Half of the family went over to second uncles house to sleep at night cause we just can't all fit in one house anymore. Unlike back in the days when we all used to squeeze in one house, sleep with mattresses on the floor of the dining hall and living room. :P
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