Ahhh. So tired. Lack of posts lately? Well I've been mostly sitting at home rotting yet again. Luckily enough, I've gotten the time and stuff for my orientation, so one less worry off my mind. On another note, what am I doing updating? Just had a cooking session with the stepcousins, and... fun! And also cause at least its
something to update about, other then letting my blog rot. Excuse the unprocessed pictures though, i'm feeling too worn out.
Its technically the first day of spring for us, so its something to celebrate, a way to explain why we had such a huge meal, but anyway! Started with the shopping at Jusco in One Utama for the ingredients. I have to say, its not often you see men shopping, so one girl walking around with three guys? Not a normal sight. Its amusing though, watching them shop. And Mr. Accountant aka Teh Beng Wei sorta counted our budget wrongly, so we went a
little over the budget, but it doesn't matter.

We started cooking around four? Lotsa chopping. Ginny spent 20 minutes dicing tomatoes alone, while Beng You took the same time to cut up all his mushrooms. Only because those two were making bolognese pasta sauce and mushroom soup from scratch, no cans and prepacked stuff allowed baby. >D

Beng Wei's mustard... something chicken baking in the oven. I don't remember the name, I hardly remember the ingredients he told me to use (which reminds me, i have to ask him again sometime. >.<), but daaaamn. The chicken was good. I love chicken and I love mustard. Mustard + chicken? Heaven!

Garlic bread! I made the spread, but its more of a joint effort ish thing. The only thing we did altogether actually.

Table set. Ah! Did I mention we were doing it restaurant style? Ala course by course, which also meant we had to get up before everyone finished. Not that I minded. After cooking by yourself, you really don't eat much. ... Or maybe its just a few of us. Oh, that reminds me. We went for lunch at One U before grocery shopping. I ordered one twister and one cheesy wedges. The guys EACH had one burger, one chicken breast, one serving of fries and cheesy wedges. O-O
The way guys eat scare me sometimes. But anyway, food time!

Our garlic bread!

Beng You's mushroom soup. Our food comes complete with garnishing goddamnyou! >D

My broccoli and cauliflower salad! Simple to make really. I didn't really know what to cook when Ginny and Wei decided on a western menu, since... well, frankly I'm really more asian. I know way more chinese dishes then western. So yeah, salad ftw!

Beng Wei's mustard chicken, the ultimate nomz

Ginny's bolognese pasta, the sauce made from scratch and with chicken meat. Honestly, I think beef goes with bolognese better, but since the momma doesn't eat beef, we'll go with chicken.

The lemon yogurt cake with ice cream and jam provided by Beng Wei! The most awesome baker in the family. :P

The three of them... plus me. But I just edited myself out because really, after a day of running around, shopping and cooking and being all sweaty and sticky and tired... I hate being taken pictures. So no. I'll save your eyes and not include myself in the picture. But i was there! See my hand? /shot
Awesome dinner, and an even more awesome day. On another note, my hairs been really oily lately, like very very oily even after I bathe. I did everything I could find on the net, minus washing it with detergent, because hell am I going to let a chemical like that near my hair. Any suggestions to get rid of its oiliness? I love my hair, and I hate it in this state.
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