Long period of no update = Kitty is rotting away at home. Rotting away at home usually equals repeating the same procedure each day over and over again, and unless you wanna know how many balls of rice I eat everyday or how many steps I take every hour, I really have nothing to update. =\
Oh, but look what came home to my arms today?

Look! Pretty box! Peacock! Its Anna Sui! The name Sui actually made me go 'wtf?' and then laugh at first, but it rolls off the tongue easily. Why? Because Sui in Hokkien means pretty... and well, I guess the name fits, because everything's so pretty there! Its not a top of the line perfume or make-up manufacturer, but its pretty!

This one is Flight of Fancy, a... not a perfume exactly, but you can use it as perfume I think? I just like its pretty bottle. The stepdad bought it back for me enroute back from Jakarta where he went for a job last week. Pretty pretty!
Okay, end of rant. Now its back to rotting at home waiting for Monash to send me the time of the orientation. They said it would be up by Friday, but I'm not seeing it anywhere! D<
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