And by pig, i mean food. Lots and lots of food. Why? Because I spent Saturday eating and eating and eating. Okay, maybe just the morning and night, because I starved myself in the afternoon anyway. But the best way to start a morning?

Dimsum! I don't think I can ever survive without it. Dim sum is one of the best creations ever. I remember back at my grandmas place, when me and my cousins were much younger and all of us could still share one room. We used to get waken up by our grandpa at 7 or earlier for dim sum. But now I can still get a table if I wake up at 10, albeit needing to do some waiting. But for dim sum, its always worth it. 8D

Woh tip, or pan fried dumplings.

Pai kuat! Pork... something, I have no idea. But i love it<3
And mango pudding. My three definite orders each time i go to the dim sum place at PJ Uptown. When I went recently though, they had a new thing offered on the walking trays carried by the workers.

Tofu fried with oat flakes. Sounds weird? Tastes awesome. The flakes provide crunch, and the fish cake was just the right amount of tenderness without tasting too fake and watery. I think this may be my new favorite.
And then at night, I starved myself for the whole night for the party my stepaunt was preparing because her sons aka my stepdad's nephews were back from Australia for the holidays. The highlight of the day?

Which was roasted to this.

And then turned to this.
Can't guess what it is? Its a whole damn lamb. Australian lamb to be exact, and it was soo good. My aunt specially catered for a whole lamb, which would feed about 20-40 people. And the meat was so good. Tender and juicy, especially the shoulder and rib parts.

Everyone was just hovering around the tray as the caterer sliced up the lamb that was cooked, and I don't think the tray has ever filled up. As soon as a few pieces are placed in, they're all snatched up. They're
that good. Thats going to cost you a damage of about 700 or more, so it better not be a daily thing. But a yearly thing? Why not? Its super good anyway.
But other then that, I've been sitting at home rotting while waiting for February and orientation to come. Oh! And Chinese New Year, my favorite time of the year! I can't wait. 8D
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