Cousins attacked me in the morning with makeup and liquid eyeliner. Make up I do, liquid eyeliner not so much, so they were doing it for me. Ended up looking like this.

Do my eyes look bigger? The momzers say it does, and so do my cousins, but I dunno. It looks prettier though. :P The destination that day? Sunway Pyramid. But I only wandered around Asian Avenue in between looking for Mei during her breaks anyway. I've been to pyramid too many times. Got myself a new bag. Ngek.
Oh! And I went to play the arcade Percussion Master game again.

I'm addicted to it, I swear. Everytime I go to a mall with the game, I would definitely go and play it. But heck, the game only takes 15 minutes or so, providing I passed all stages. So the rest of the time, I went to ensconced myself in MPH. For a good solid three or four hours.

Reading romance novels. I haven't touched one in ages! Ever since second sem started. But for the past three days, I've barreled through a good three or four books while waiting for the Titanic aka the family to finish their shopping. And I must say, I miss reading, especially Judith McNaught and Julia Quinn. I love Julia Quinn especially, her writing is exquisite. And i realized how much I miss being a book worm, its been a while. xP
Went for dinner with the Titanic in a coffee shop at Taipan, where we took three tables, 20 minutes of confusion and much clearing of the poor confused waiters, before we finally settled to dinner.

Dinner with family is always an amazing affair at how huge the confusion can get. And this isn't even the full Titanic. Throw in the rest thats still in Penang and Sungai Petani, and you'll have to multiply the confusion by ten. Its always amusing to watch. :P
Went home after that, and our youngest, most playful uncle bought a couple of tricks to play with us. A tub of 'blood', rubber rat and rubber snake. So amusing. xD Words don't do justice, look!

Terrifying? we were in hysterics over it for half the night. :P And then my cousins and I went out for a late night movie, the one made in Singapore, 'Where Got Ghost?'. It was.... I don't know if I should call it a horror or comedy, since I laughed my head off, but when the ghost came out i had my hands over my eyes perpetually all the time. xP Its not bad a movie, but essentially it still has its horror aspects. :p
Went to sleep at 2.30 am that night... or morning, depending on how you see it. And we were dug up at 9 the next morning, cause we were headed for Ikea/The Curve/ Ikano. First things first though, the Titanic headed to breakfast at some Hailan shop. Again, confusion ensued. Oh, plus the three tables too. :p

I spent most of the time at The Curve in Borders though, as usual being my bookworm self. But didn't manage to finish the book! So I had to buy it. =.=
They're going home tomorrow! ;_; I don't want them to go home.