Went out for dinner last night at Super Tanker with the family of the stepdad, it was mecha mecha umai. I even had white wine! :p Not that I drank much, just a little, but the food there was awesome.

The Thai fish Uncle Siew Pan ordered for the night, was pwnsome. I'm not the type to go for fish usually, cause I detest the bones with a passion, but this one was good! Really nice, and has a nice blend of sourness and sweetness to go with the meat of the fish.

Lamb boiled in soup, or as Kee Jin called it, 'Lamb Kut Teh'. Like 'bak kut teh', just replace the pork with lamb meat? Either way, really good. The soup was milky, and has just the right amount of taste in it, and it has fu chuk in it!

First thing I was greeted with when I stepped in the restaurant. They had this whole wall of aquariums filled with fresh fishes to be eaten, but the first thing my eyes zeroed in was the eels! Freaky eels who looked like they were going to eat you up if they could fit you in their mouths. But heck, unagi is still delicious. :p
Mom went to buy new flowers today at Sungai Buloh! I didn't follow her there, but I took pictures of the flowers she brought back. Lookie!

Pretty, no? Now my garden's no longer a dull green color... not that I don't like the greens. :p
Lunch today was at Bayu Timor! I love the place, they serve the best lamb chop. Lookit!

A little mangled looking cause I messed it up a bit before remembering to take the picture, but its seriously good. My favorite of it is cause it doesn't have those annoying bones for me t cut around, and the potato au gratin that comes with it is pwnsome<3
Their decorations are the awesome cuteness! Look! Cute piggies!

Their actually salt and pepper shakers, but they were the absolute cuteness! And yes, you can actually
buythem. I wanted to! But momma said it was a waste of money, dangsit. =.=
Ah well, time to head to brother's house now. *plods off*
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