And we all know that don't we? My birthday's actually on the 30th of August
of which I share with my obsession, MatsuJun, but celebration started way ahead, on the 29th. College friends bought me cake!

Mini black forest, but its the thought that counts. And we went to Pyramid after class to jalan jalan. Insanity ensued, but I didn't bring camera cause they didn't tell me! Surprise went wrong cause moi couldn't take pics. ;_;
But anyway! Went home, and then went to my brother's place on Saturday afternoon. Had Korean dinner where my aunt belanja-ed, at Seoul Garden. Awesome food, even awesome company. It was a Korean barbeque, and though I wasn't really a big fan of barbeques, I really liked their bibimbap and their fried sticky rice cake.... if thats what you call it.

My favourite part about Korean barbeque though, their side dishes!

Brother bought cake for me. Secret Recipe's Chocolate Indulgence. They said it was too sweet, but I love it<3>

Next day, went home around afternoon, after my grandma made the yearly egg 'Mi Soa' for me, and then my mom and stepdad brought me to 'Fullhouse' for lunch.

I have to say, I don't fancy the food much, but Fullhouse is awesome place for camwhores, and taking pictures there is awesome. Pretty bed, pretty props, pretty stuff. Its some sort of a restaurant cum shopping place? Cause they sell Korean style clothes and accessories there. I just ate and took pictures though. :p

Went home, and then around 4 noon I went to pick up the girls. For what you ask? For the best part of my birthday. SLEEPOVER<3

And this was only the beginning. The night progressed to
huge proportions, and its a night I'll never forget. From learning Cha Cha in front of the computer to using Mei Xin's laptop webcam to randomly play stuff with Chris, our unlucky victim.

My poor mirror got abused with all the camwhoring they did below, but heck I care, I joined in.

Dinner was pizza! Plus a little something that I'm not going to reveal here. But it got us all high and drunk. Heck it was my eighteenth birthday, so I didn't care less. Not that I drank any, but it was cause I didn't like the taste, and not cause I was trying to be a goody two-shoes. xP

Another closer look at what we were drinking. Yes, coke plus something else. Not gona tell, but Mei's awesome at preparing it apparently, or so the rest of them who drank it said. I wouldn't know, but she
looked pro enough. :P
And a drunk night with 7 insane girls in one house without parents... is not a good idea. Not that it wasn't fun, cause its something I'll nevah forget. From Jess the insane drunk to Mei the silent drunk, and then everyone freaking out over discovering there was CCTV in my house living room where they were dancing like drunken donkeys. :p

Jess raping Sophia, or the other way around, whichever way you interpret it. :p

Silent-but-red-as-tomato drunkard, Foo Mei Xin.

Everyone raping Jess, or more like Kirsten and Sophia and Prudence riding the donkey-that-is-Jessica. :p

Me trying to avoide all the insanity. Not that I managed to of course, but I tried! :D
The parental units came back not long after that, and we had my cake! Third cake in two days oh my god I felt like throwing up. But heck, it was Oreo Cheesecake! So I ate it anyway. :p

The girls were, as you know it, drunk. They went from English to Chinese, to Cantonese to English to Indian, before I could finally EAT MY CAKE. SHEESH. But not that I was surprised. And then they proceeded to camwhore with my cake of all things. xP

All I was doing was trying to eat my cake! Sheesh, inconsiderate people denying a girl of her chocolate and cheese. That should be against the law! ;_;.

Lack of cups, ended up in this. :p
Headed upstairs afterward, to get our beds ready. I abandoned my bed in my room that night to sleep with them in the living hall upstairs, and the whole place was filled with blankets, mattresses and 7 girls. :p

Used the timer on my camera for this group shot, and it ended up a lil dark, but OH WHO THE CARES. 7 FTW!<3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 320px; height: 240px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5376438934706976674" border="0">Next morning, mom cooked continental breakfast for us, and then me and the girls were headed to Pyramid! Morning scene when it comes to 7 girls sharing a mirror. Horrified? Its a norm. :p

Sent Farah back to get her car, and then it was two cars to Pyramid! Cause seriously, 7 girls in one car is insanity, even if it is a CRV.

Had lunch in Pasta Zanmai, where I went broke. ;_; But its okay! Cause its my birthday, I shall be generous wtf. Belanja-ed Farah, Prudence and Mei, since Soph and Jess went off to have Korean food. But I still prefer Japanese wtf. :p

Met Mim there too! Cause the girl is working there, so she took her break to come with us, even if she was having her Puasa, she came in to sit for awhile.

Went home after that, cause I needed to go Uncle Siew Pan's place to have dinner, and I needed to do my research project too! Godaamnits.

We needs to do this again someday people! I do not care, RAWR. Inclusive of Mei, who somehow wasn't here for this picture, and Sophia too! We do during times NOT in the middle of my sem, but anytime in November? I WANT. :P
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