New Years is coming!Last day of 2010, And I'm at the gramma's house now, so I .... might not be able to prepare the habitual, something-everyone-does new year reflection post. But we'll see how things goes, ne? For now, Imma try and get rid of more picture backlog. xD
Bak Kut Teh last week when the cousins were over! Apparently, this shop has the oldest bak kut teh history, one of the first few shops to be opened in Klang, the haven of that sinfully delightfully Malaysian dish.
Honestly speaking? Its really, really good. The soup may not be as clear as we're used to, nor is it cooked like how we normally see it. But the soup is really aromatic and flavorful, and placing it on your oiled rice to eat is like heaven landing on your tongue. I'm a bit iffed cause there's no dry BKT, but then again, dry BKT isn't really original. And since this is the oldest BKT shop around, I guess it adds up.
The plan for the day was Pulau Ketam, so we headed to the jetty.... where we were 30 minutes earlier then the arrival time of the ship.
Hence, ensue a lot of camwhoring. I'm gonna save you the torture and post up my favorites. xP
Ferry finally came! I was hoping to ride something like what I always do when we head over to Penang by ferry, cause then I'd be able to breathe in air and watch the sea roll by beneath me. This was a modern version though, so it gave me a bit of a headache. >.<>
Got to Pulau Ketam! Where no cars are allowed. And one had to walk everywhere. xP Interesting stuff, but only cause I've never seen it before. Other then that its about as interesting as watching paint dry. D:
The kids on Pulau Ketam playing with cement. They're that bored apparently. xD
Look what we found! Egg-shaped ice cream! xP
We each got one. xD Two lychees, passionfruit and... dragonfruit, if I'm not mistaken. Omnomnomnom. It tasted really good. Someone import this here! xP
The dogs we saw there! There were two, and they looked so darn cute<3>
The only school there! Primary school, if I remember correctly. xD Honestly, if I stayed there I think I'd spend most of my time in school. The school garden looks more interesting. D:Cousin saw this while we were walking back to the jetty after spending 45 minutes on the island. Cute, ne? xD
Went home afterwards, and I sorta started spamming my cousin's DSLR. If you haven't guessed, all of this pictures are from his epic, high definition DSLR camera. xP My christmas tree! ^__^
My doggie! It would've been a nice shot if the red light from my stepdad's camera. D:
Dinner! My favourite butter claypot prawns at the corner shop at ss19. They taste heavenly, I'm telling you<3
We made tang yuans! For... the festival for which I forgot the name of temporarily and am too lazy to google now cause I'm on my netbook and my cousin is lying on top of me and restricting my movement. But yes, we made tang yuans! Multi-colored ones. Without using food coloring. The orange ones are from sweet potato, the green one is from pandan, and the white one is the normal ones. Forgot to get bunga telang to make blue ones. D:
Even made special ones! Yes, this one looks epic cute cause its next to my heart shaped tea spoon. xD
Cooked it with the visiting family! :P
Mickey mouse ones! xP
and then we omnomnom-ed it and then went to sleep cause I think we finished at 3am. xD
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