My favourite out of the lot, cause she looks adorable preening her feathers like that. xD

Hot chocolate with marshmallow is omnomnomgood♥ Oh! Apparently, the chocolate factory was started and opened by a malaysian man. O-O
Koala conservation centre after that! Their adorable, but most of the time I spy them, they're sleeping. xD
Look! This one has a tiny joey on its back! Apparently, the joey will be first in its mother's pouch. Once it grows to big for the pouch, it will cling on her back, and then once he's turning in to a bother there, he'll cling on the front. Good god they're adorable♥
Went to see more beaches! Cause Melbourne has so many of them, apparently. Which is good in summer and spring I guess, but when I was there it was ridiculously cold on some days, and just bearable on other days... so no, I'll just go to the beach in Malaysia. (Bagan Lalang on Tuessday! *bounces*)
Gulls! i saw so many of them in Melbourne, they're like their form of crows.
Lookie! The water is impossibly clear. O-O
Point... something, I don't remember. But this was just before going to see the penguins, where we had dinner at a place just beyond the Penguin Parade. They had a walkway going down, and we walked there. There was so many gulls there too!
The flowers we could see growing in a mass amount on the cliffside was gorgeous, like a carpet.

Penguin parade! This was taken before the penguins came up, because camera's are not allowed since the little pingies might be scared. They were adorable though! Barely taller then my knee, and so tiny! They kept running back to the sea cause they were scared predators might be around, and sometimes they get dragged back to the sea by the waves, cause they were too tiny!
I was watching how they got back to their nests, and it was so cool though. They just called out to their nests, and then stood and listened. Though it makes me wonder, if they do these rounds so many times, how come they don't remember how to get back to their nests? xD They came pretty near to me though! Adorable as.

Next day went out with the three friends of mine from Melbourne! We had lunch at Flygon street first, where I was too full from breakfast and just had a cheesecake. That's a strawbie! Cute, ne?

They brought me to Federation square first, to see the Disney exhibition i wanted to see. It was cool! I couldn't take any pictures inside, of course. But to see all the original concept art, and to be able to see the videos of the artists themselves explaining how they filmed the animation, not to mention the statuettes of the characters, and the explanation on the characters themselves, all way too amazing! I could've stayed there for ages.

This was at Crown Plaza/Casino/Whatever Sheng calls it. They had a Christmas exhibition thingy, where monkeys were dropping out of the roof. xD

On the way to Crown Plaza/Casino, the Yarra river!

Went to main Melbourne city to play pool too, where Peter had promised me my game of pool ages ago. :p

Loser on the left, winner on the right, pro at Street Fighter farrr right, fail at everything behind the camera. :p

Yes, the son who got caught out playing pool while he was supposed to be studying. xD

Dinner at a Japanese place! I can't believe he devoured three sushi burgers. In record time. I wasn't even done with my food yet! D:

The sushi burgers was pretty good though, I have to admit. I wouldn't mind having another one now. xD

The gyoza tasted a bit weird, but its perhaps cause I'm so used to the ones they make here. To each, their own, ne? :p

After dinner arcade! We initially wanted to get ice cream, but the line was too long, so we played arcade games instead. Street basketball, DDR, DJ mania, drum mania and the stuff. :p
The slurpie machines in Melbourne had an amazing array of cup sizes. O-O And what is your back doing in every single one of my pictures, Pete! xD

Random ending, lemon in Aunty Bee's backyard.
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