Don't ask me to differentiate between the ports, I have absolutely no idea. I sorta lost count after the fifth or sixth one... but they were pretty places nonetheless! Though the flies coming out cause of the warm weather was so annoying. Dx
Lunch at the wharf! Thats my sandwich, which was huge. And first western food ever since we set food in Melbourne! Yes, after 6 days. Figures, huh? But it was huge, and I couldn't finish it anyway.

The mother's fritatta, which I enjoyed more actually. xD Maybe I should've gotten this instead.

After more port hopping, we went to a small cafe down somewhere, where Uncle Alan said we could have cakes! CAKE♥ This was flourless lemon cake I think, served with cream. It was heavenlyy!

Mango and banana, if I'm not mistaken. More cream. Sooo fattening, but so good at the same time.

Everyone had coffee, and I just stuck with coke. Their coke bottle was adorable!

Breakfast the next day! Typical English breakfast, ne.

Uncle Alan's our cook. He's actually less camera shy then most adults i know. In fact, he'll willingly pose whenever I point the camera in his direction. xP

His garden! White roses too! Almost everybody in Melbourne has roses of some sort planted on their front lawn.
They come complete with people dressed in costumes! Watching people dressed like 'Mr. Darcy' here swinging their canes walking among the visitors cladded in jeans and shirts, was highly amusing. xD
Old time pastry shop! They had meat pies, tarts, croissants... so many! I got mahself a pie and a tart, omnomnom!
A HUGEEE vegetable plant I saw in a vegetable garden in the village section. Literally. HUGE.
This was a carriage making factory, I think. We got to see quite a number of places there, even where a worker melted gold! but I never got a picture of that. Too dark. Dx
Mock houses they set up! The baby bassinet in the corner was adorableee.
So many animals there too! I guess cause most of the villagers in the older days farmed animals for a living, other then panning gold. But seriously, whats the use of a peacock to earn you money? Unless its rare enough in those days that you collect money for viewing it. xD
My favourite was the horses, though I think thats pretty obvious at the amount of pictures i took of them. The turkey's were ugly though, especially the male one. D:
Brass and Copper factory! Or workshop, or whatever they called it back in those days. The accessories were gorgeous!
People attempting to pan for gold! I didn't even bother to go try, with the amount of people there. I'm quite sure it'll be fruitless anyway. xD
There was people in costumes there teaching the kids how though! Its amusing watching the young ones trying so hard. xD
Chinese settlement, i think. Compared to the village houses I saw earlier, the chinese settlements lived in tents! Or tiny, impossibly small 'rooms'.
"Hello, I'm your shopkeeper for the day. May I entice you to some garlic? Or maybe a pot or two?"
I be poor Chinese settler who has to share one tiny tent with another person.
I be the cook of the camp, who has short hands which means I have to stretch to even cook.
They be pigs! Adorable little oinking creatures.
Whose living quarters are disgusting. D:
Break for food! I had my pie and tart for lunch.

Lamb stew to share too! Though this looks like it came out of an AirAsia meal packet. xD
There were carriage rides too! But I didn't take one. Too expensive. Dx
I did try to churn water. Trust me when I say its hard damn work.
Parentals went to the gold museum afterwards, but it was bleh compared to Sovereign Hill itself.

Baked butter cake at night! Used Amanda's silicone cake pan, which was godsent. I am so gonna get one here.

Amanda made cupcakes with icing! So. Darn. Good. I need to learn how to make her icing damnits.

Ended up playing scrabble that night. We are that bored people. Its Geelong, nice place and all... but honestly, not much to do. xD

Random picture of Homer Simpson eating mah leg. Till next time! :P
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