So its the end of 2009! Another year comes to a close. Obligatory end of the year post? Also to celebrate my 101th blog post. I didn't see the point celebrating a 100 post, since everyone does it. So I shall do 101! 101 dalmations wtf. :p
JanuaryTo be frank, I don't really remember what went on during this time. I think I was still bumming around waiting for my SPM results. I refused to go for January intake since I wanted to have some time to have fun before going back to studying. *taps chin* I remember playing a lot of games, watching hell alotta dramas, and some drama in my life too, but that got resolved easily enough.
FebruaryAnother month I don't really remember. More bumming, dramas, games and playing? Oh, we went back to High School for our old headmistress's birthday or something. I remember eating the nasi lemak in front of school, the most heavenly food in Subangville. xD I remember watching Mei-chan no Shitsuji too! One of the most awesome dramas then. And still is. And I remember watching Miley Cyrus too wtf. I WAS BORED OKAY.
MarchD-Day! Got our SPM results back. I can't say I was satisfied with my results, but it was enough for me to get in my course, MUFY. Sadly, I couldn't attend the orientation, because I had to attend my uncle's funeral a couple of days before the orientation, which resulted in me flying back to Penang for about a week. Not that I'm complaining, but when I went to class for the first day without knowing anyone, I was scared shitless. So bad. But I made plenty of friends soon. Economics class was the best of course, as was English class.
AprilStill with classes in college. More friends, more fun, more awesomeness in class now. Got addicted to bubble tea and hot&roll sold in the Sunway cafetaria.

These made me fat, I swear. Its like every other day, I either go down with Joyce, or with Lene, Rosh and Raveena to get the darn things.

Assignments started pouring in like nobody's business. It was expected since I was in the express course and all, but the darn things sucked away at my life. I spend most of my time in the library or cafetaria either doing an assignment, studying for an assesment, or preparing for a test.
Brother's house warming party where I got to play with awesome pets and spend time with family again! It was fun cooking satay again after so long. Long time since my grandma made them, but I helped this time! 8D

Cousins came over for Lee Hom's Music Man concert in KL, and then we brought them shopping around the place as usual. Everytime they come over, its like one huge shopping trip. xD

Moved from lovely Subangville to Ara Damansara, where I finally got my own room. Of course now, it looks infinitely more homier and with more things then the picture above. I've added a lot of stuff. Maybe I'll take a picture one day and show you guys? 8D

Made scrappybook for dhamma teacher. She's lovely, and we all love her from the bottom of our hearts.
JuneEnd of exams for sem 1! So excited to finally have holidays after three months of study madness. Went out with Lene and Rosh and Raveena if I'm not mistaken .

Stayed over at my brother's house more often since I got my driving licence (or so Mei says. I don't remember at all, so I'll just go by what the bestie says. xD) Visited night market! The food there is lovely as always. Which reminds me, its been a while since I went. I'll probably go this weekend.

The start of the bane of my life - Malaysian Studies class. I hated that class with a passion, and I almost fell asleep in all of them. Lucky for the existence of novels and laptops, rawr. But because of this class, literally everyday during break we'll just go down and buy hot&roll for breakfast/lunch and eat them in class. Chicken and cheese hot and roll is addictive babes. xD

Painted the mural in our Temple, with the Boss's guidance. Me, Shien, Diane, JJ and everyone else who came were a lil lost throughout. xD

Started doing pretty nails! They started after I found the diamante sold in Daiso in the Curve. I love them, but I haven't had the time to do them lately. >.<

Went o ut with Shien and Ben quite often for movies. They're my movie buddies. 8D Sadly, one is in gorgeous Scotland now, and the other is... busy with Jap chicks. xD
JulyGot my braces off! Finally, after years of torture, those metal bits are away from my teeth, wahahaha. I was so happy when I went to take them off.

Attended DaiCon, not a huge event. But since I got to be my fangirl self all day long during the whole thing, I was perfectly happy with it.

Finding a temple to place the deities of my old house in to. I loved visiting the various temples, and they're all so pretty. We finally settled them in a temple in Klang, which was recommended by my uncle.

College Sem 2 for MUFY started again, which equals having lunch with these hunnies again. I miss it now, its been a whole two months since the last time we had lunch in Rock Cafe or Orange together. ;_;

Started the kite flying thing every weekened evening in the park near my house.

Last Pindapatt with the extended family in the temple. Eating on the floor and snatching for food will be muchly missed.

More mural painting, last touchups and graffiti on the boss's legs.

Outing with old high school friends to watch movie and generally just hang out with people I've missed.

Globalization class with games, food, Mason, Jonghyun and the gangs. 8D

Lovely lovely birthday celebration I adore and will remember forever. Thankyou girls!
First time having a Japanese buffet. Okay I sound jakun, but I love buffets and I love Japanese food. Japanese buffet? Heaven for me.

Family came for visit during Hari Raya holidays again. And yet again, we go shopping all over. Isn't it expected by then?
Started to get really really busy with college stuff starting here on out, so nothing much.
End of college. The year I spent in MUFY will forever be greatly cherished, and I love every single one of them. I hope I'll still be able to see them again next year in Monash. 8D
Graduation from the temple I've been attending for the past... god knows how many years. Ten? Nine? I don't know. I just know I have many many memories with these people.

SDS Concert! Where I spent most of the time either being a go-girl for V.o.T because I couldn't join them for performance due to exams. Also spent time shivering under the air con. xD

Outings with the bestie!

Sophia's birthday celebration with Kirst and Jess at Taipan! I was late because of the stupid traffic jam, but the conversations that night was totally LOL-able. xD

Chopped off my long hair.
DecemberI think this is my most happening month of the year. xP Got my results back after fretting over it for so damn long. I got through. 8D

Cousins wedding in Malacca.

Cousins from Penang came down again! But this time not to shop. Though we ended up shopping anyway, but this time we headed to Malacca, Genting and Lagoon to play and have fun. 8D

Spent so much money on the games in Genting, but got myself only a small seahorse. I want the bear in the picture so bad. D8

Went back home to Sungai Petani and Penang to revisit the lovely home I've practically grew up in. Yes, SP and Penang will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Went through hell at Immigration Department just to renew my passport for a trip to Singapore.

Met up with awesome friends in trip to Singapore, another one that will last forever in my memory.
As you can see, I got lazy in the end. There was just so many things! I can't do a 'special memory' post, since every memory to me is special in its own way, so I just did this monthly thing. Now, my new year resolutions?
1. Do well in Monash, like seriously. I must.
2. Try and be more outgoing, and not coop myself up with the computer all the time. I'm too lazy, I know.
3. ...?
The last one is a secret. 8D Everyone has to have their own secrets, no? But as it is... happy new year, and welcome to the year 2010! Here's to it being a better year then before, and may all of you be blessed with happiness and joy throughout.