Rawr. So its been days since I last updated, but I lost muse. Gomen ne? But I went to The Curve today! And met the most awesome function they have there.
It was some bird fair, not that I really took notice of what or who organized it, but what captivated me were the animals there who looked so impossibly cute!

White parrot, which look absolutely fluffy! No don't ask me what its real species is, I have no idea. :P

Small, colorful parrot! It was smaller then my palm, but so darn mischevious! Its the smallest of the lot, so the handler would usually put this little one on the head of the person taking pictures. Then the rascal will go and nip at the person's hair. xD

Spiderbird! These two are African Gray Parrots or something. They're apparently the smartest of their kind, but these two in particular, never stood at their roosts! All they did was climb around the ceiling of their enclosure all day. Its amusing watching them, and I'm not so sure if they're fighting or showing affection. xD

By far the most
gorgeous, handsome bird there! It was a species of owl, I'm not so sure. But the feathers above its eyes were arched upwards, and he looked like some world knowing scholar or something. So darn gorgeous. I wanted to take a picture with him, but it costs ten bucks. T-T

Cutest things there! Tiny chicks and ducklings, which were so noisy and so darn adorable! All fluffy and yellow and cute and innocent.

So comfyyyy! I swear, if my room were bigger, I'd so totally buy a four poster bed, complete with curtains and the like. Its like... some princess dream bedroom. Xp
Went to Bubba Gump for dinner, and the food was good!

Run Across America. Which reminds me, the movie Forest Gump a little silly lor! I've never actually watched it, but from what I saw at Bubba Gump, he ran across America for 3 years or something? Not logical, and... >.<

Baked seafood cheese rice. Which was so so mouthwateringly good. I think they used Swiss cream or something to make it? It tasted a little like Pizza Uno's Carbonara, but instead, they used baked rice. Very very good.

Caeser salad. I only ate a little of it, but its not b ad at all. Of course, I was never one for greens, so don't take my word for it.
They have a really cool way of calling the waiters to your table too! Say, if you want service, all you have to do is...

Put up the 'Stop Forrest Stop!' sign. And then when you don't want anything,

Put the 'Run Forrest Run!' sign.
There was once, I was just playing with the signs, when the manager whom was walking past suddenly slowed down and looked at me. Heh. Probably wasn't a good idea to play with the signs when its supposed to call the waiters, but my fingers got itchy. Xp All in all though, Bubba Gump is a pretty good place to eat, albeit the price being a little on the high end. I'll give it a 7/10, just cause the food is ridiculously good.
Oh! And guess what I found while at Daiso today?

A cooking timer just like the one Bambi uses in Baccanale, in Bambino! I know, I super jakun,but what to do! Besides, it'll be useful for me when I cook, so I'm happy. :P
And i have a new prized posession!

Arashi Around Asia 2008 Kokuritsu DVD! I've been wanting this for ages! It may cost be 140 bucks, but it was money well spent, for me at least. Its like, my most wanted thing since last year, ever, and now i have it! And I'm going to go rewatch it for the millionth time now! :P
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