Bah! Anyway. I'm sorry I haven't been updating! I was just rushing to finish up my presentation for Malaysian Studies class, which I did today. Which also means I'm going to skip my class tomorrow cause I've seriously had enough of Malaysian Studies. The lecturer asked us to switch off laptops off today! Luckily we needed to use it again five minutes later, or I'd have died from boredom. No joke.
Back to life, last week around... Thursday or Friday? I was feeling generous, so I did a bento lunch box for my mom. :p Yes, I'm a Japan lover, sort of, and I love preparing cute bento boxes!
Not that mine ended up looking anything resembling cute, that is. I just had fun doing it. But the original japanese bento sets are really cute! Some look way too cute to eat in fact.

My lovely new Mizzies! The last pair of sport shoes I had was a pair of blue Nike's, which spoilt like.. three years ago, and I never bothered getting a new pair. Now I got one though, just cause I can exercise and jog every evening. I've started getting fatter lately. :p Wana exercise, just so I don't end up being an unhealthy, obese lil girl. Rawr. Yes I'm extremely obsessed over my weight, even if I love eating. I gave up eating my lovely fatty pork meat because of it. T_T
Then later that night, after buying my stuff, we headed over to uncle's brothers place, where Uncle Siew Pan cooked lamb stew! Absolutely delicious I tell you.
And then for dessert, I made caramel pudding!
And then I had Malaysian Studies again today. =.= Pictures of my presentation's with Lene, will probably post them up next time if I get them. Wana go for my jog now. *bounces off*
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