Right! So I went out today, after two days of stoning at home with nothing to do. Its my last week of holidays, and i so-called wanted to make the most of it, but almost everyone in college is back at kampung, and old school mates either had class or didn't have time. =.= Lucky though, today Mei didn't have class, so I dragged her out to lunch, and she in turned dragged Jeremy and Jez a.k.a Ah Tan, as Mei calls him, and we met up with Chris and Jess at Asia Cafe. xD

Went to pick up Mei and Jer, and then went to Asia Cafe. Reached there damn bloody early, mainly cause I was scared there would be a jam. Not that it makes a difference. Got there at 11am and there was still bloody congestion. =.=

While waiting for Jess and Chris, whose classes at Taylors only ended at 12. Was talking with Mei about a million and one things, from old friends to fandoms. xD Damn long never see her edi. :p

Ah Tan was drawing some masterpiece on a paper while he chatted with Jeremy. I wanted to take a picture of the drawing! But he didn't let me. Rawr.

Jess got there around 11.40, and then Chris came hardly 5 minutes after her. Was starving by then, cause I didn't take breakfast. Woke up late and realized it was 10, I jumped straight out of bed to change and get the car. xP

My lunch. Teppanyaki. Ok so I'm a Japan addict, all Mei's fault. xP It was amusing watching Jess trying to eat my salad though. She was eating honeydew before that, so you know that sharp stick thing they give you with fruit to eat it? She was using that and trying to eat the salad, so its like, she was eating it strand by strand. xD

Went to play pool with the guys after lunch. Or more like, they were playing pool, and the three of us girls just sat there and watched them. But after watching them for a while, I actually find pool fascinating? I wana play! Next time I must drag the guys to play. :p

Jeremy though, seems to have a losing streak. xD But then there was this one streak where Chris's white ball kept falling inside. xDDD
And while the three of them were playing pool, the three of us did something we do best, or at least girls did best.

Camwhore of course! :p

This was taken when Jer was waiting for his turn, and Chris and Ah Tan were playing at the pool table. xD Damn gay lar the guy, after so many months away from high school and he still has his iconic super gay pose. :p
I realized something though, that Ah Tan is actually a very considerate guy. xD He actually remembers that I'm sensitive to cig smoke and walks far away when he smokes. Unlike *coughJercough* someone that forgets. xD

His tattoo he had gotten just the day before. yes it was at his back, so I had to pull down his shirt to see it, and thats only half of it. It looks super pretty though. Even if it looked like it hurt. The skin around it was still red. Ouch. >.< I would love to get a tattoo. Been wanting one ever since forever, a dragon twisted around my wrist and ending on the top of my hand. It'll look GORGEOUS. But I'm too chicken for the pain. T-T

Drove Chris, Jer and Ah Tan back after that. Those stupid guys couldn't make up their mind and almost got me crashing in to the curb wtf. *headwall* And they were screaming like mad man behind. Heck, I find the whole situation way too amusing though, couldn't stop laughing. xDDD Ah Tan and Jer was screaming their head off, even if they were proclaiming they were 'safe drivers'. yeaaaah, sure you guys are. xD If driving like a mad hyena at night is called safe la, that is. :p
Anyway, after we dropped the guys back, me, Mei and Jess went to Subang Parade, cause i wanted to get a book and Jess wanted to stay there and read until her mom came to pick her up. I got myself another Judith Mcnaught book, whom is officially one of the best novelist, together with Julia Quinn, and then I went home.
And I've been stoning in front of the computer ever since. xD Tomorrow, its lunch with Ariff, May and Nat at college before I come home and stone again. Two more days, and its college again! :P
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