Can someone please tell me why Malaysian Government insists on Malaysian Studies for every Malaysian student in college? C'mon! I mean, sure, five years of it in high school is compulsory, that I accept. But college?! Why?! Is there really a point? All we do is re-learn things we already learnt about in class back in high school, not to mention its a complete waste of my money.
First Malaysian Studies class today, which was an absolute bore. I spent most of the time chatting with friends, or reading my book.

Hall where we were doing our class. It was the whole of March intake MUFY students in one auditorium, and darn, there were quite a lot of people. Me and Joyce were expecting less people to turn up. Not that it mattered though, since everyone gravitated behind and the front two rows were empty. I suspect that most came just to catch up with friends. :p

My row. I was next to Li Fan, and Joyce was on my other side. During class, we were sorta snacking on Ivy's strawberries while talking away, and... er... I think the lecturer saw? Ah, don't care la. Not as if i like being in MS class anyway. Pssh.

This is what boredom makes you do. Note how people behind were chatting and looking at phones? No one was listening in class at all! The only reason I have my glasses on was to communicate with a couple of my friends sitting further in front, Cherly and Qing. :P

No one was listening, need I repeat? Thats Li Fan, the absolutely adorable, random girl. xD Excuse the fact that I look fugly here. Bottom up was never my best angle, but I didn't want to put the camera topwards riight. Too conspicious. xD

The only thing that kept me sane during the class was a book, and friends. This book in particular. xD Have I ever mentioned that I adore historical romance books? I love them. I have a whole huge collection to them, no thanks to Jessica who got me addicted to them. xD Favourite writer has got to be Julia Quinn, but I go for any type, any writer, really. :P
After an excruciating hour and a half, we were given assignments to do, and then we spent the rest of our time discussing. Me went in a group with Joyce, Qing, Chery and Wei.

The hand would be Chery's. She's such a cutie. Damn I still need to get a picture of her. She practically dragged me out of the hall just cause she didn't want to go to the toilet herself! xD
And then I went home at 12.30, and spent the whole afternoon doing my nails. 4 hours later, and my back hurts, and my nails are somewhere near perfect. My right hand still sucks, cause the coordination of my left hand is lousy, and the tiny beads were so hard to do!! But I'm... sorta satisfied. Wana see?

I place tiny beads across the whole nail, and then hearts on the beads. They look adorable. Now here's to hoping those beads don't fall off before tomorrow. >.<
Almost time to cook dinner now. Toodles people!
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