been really busy lately. catching up on sleep and watching a new drama, Bambino, which stars none other then my darling Matsumoto Jun, member of famous Japanese boyband Arashi. I've been neglecting my poor blog. T-T But nevertheless! Short pictures post, before I go back to finishing my Bambino. Two more eps! <333 size="1">
All pictures from Lene's camera. Amazing Nikon DSLR<3333
we met the cutest mascots in Pyramid! The duck was adorable. Whenever she' spoke' a squeaking noise came out! And she acted so cute and embarrassed, it was adorable. Missing Rosh here, cause she was taking the picture with Lene's camera.

All self-obsessed pictures. xD Second one was taken in A Cut Above while waiting for her to cut her hair, and the first one was in the toilet, taken by Rosh. xD
Oh! ANd while waiting for Lene to get her hair finished, I went a little crazy in the saloon and started snapping pictures of everything and anything there. The result?

Nice? Nice?! I kinda liked them actually. xD Not as on par as the rest of the pro photographers, but they're sorta good, right? right?
And I'll do a longer, lengthier post tomorrow. Half dead now. *dies*
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