I know I know! I've been complaining about my school work and stuff, but then once holiday mood starts to wear off a little, they really start to get boring you know? With nothing to do all day, noting but the computer and the telly to keep you company wears off a little. Luckily I have my fandom to keep me alive. xD
Went to my brother's house yesterday, cause its been a week or so since I moved and I've never actually seen them since, so yeah, I went over to my internetless brother's house. God when I came back, there was SO MANY THINGS for me to catch up on. Amazing how stuff can accumulate in just one night.
Oh! And guess what we had for dinner at my brother's house? No cooking. We went to the pasar malam! Or night market. The night market in Malaysia is probably one of the few most amazing things around. No air-con sure, but you get cheap, and nice stuff!. They have an amazing amount of stuff there.
Warning! Crap quality pictures ahead. Pictures taken by useless W380i. Walkman phone. NOT a camera phone. >.<
Oh! And look who came to visit while I was at my brother's house!
Came back today, and after watching too much of Bambino, I cooked spaghetti!
of course, not as good as the ones at Baccanale, nor as good as the one Bambi cooks, but it'll do. At least it satisfies my cravings. And to me, this is what makes a spaghetti.
Anyway! I'm sorta addicted to Gimmick Game by Nino now, and I have Malaysian Studies at college tomorrow. Ish. What sorta crazy college puts Malaysian studies during the one month long holiday. Rawr. I shall go cultivate mushrooms now!
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