yes i shall now title my blogs with whatever music I'm currently listening to, because thinking of blog titles is tiring and annoying. Weee! We shall now take a commercial from my random photo dumps to look in a boring day of my life because I'm random that way! *bounces around*
Yes, I will wake up half an hour earlier then I'm allowed to just because I want to use the computer. Ignore the books there please, I was working on my assignment the night before, and I'm a very messy worker. Speaking of which, I still don't understand Meyrowitz damnits. THE DAMN AUTHORS WERE ALL HIGH ON CRACK WHEN THEY WROTE OUR READINGS! Quote, unquote Kok Mei Li. xD

Change and go out after getting done with the morning ritual of checking mail, facebook and twitter of course. ^__^

On a typical Thursday, I'll be in uni with my breakfast in hand for my journalism tutorial by ten. But class was cancelled that morning cause lecturer fell sick, soooo went for brunch before uni!
Random insert, but I have hella lot of things to bring on Thursdays. My typical file + laptop, communication reader, extra clothes for dance class, home cooked lunch because it'll be a long day, not to mention the normal stuff in my school bag. X-X
Communication tutorial! Callum may look boring, but he is awesomesauce yo!

Dance class! With Miss Sharon, which is usually tiring as hell. Usually after 30 minutes I'll be sweating like a mad cow, and we're not even halfway done with warmup by then. The dance is only like... at the last 15 minutes of the class. Though because the competitions coming up, we've been cutting down on the warm up time. xP
Have lunch in the women's room after dance class! Cause we're usually starving by then. I would usually have home packed lunch with KML, but I was lazy to bring one that day. Heehee.

I'll usually stone in the women's room till 5, and its to 9305 we go! MPAC meeting of course, but these days its turning more in to rehearsal time. It was costume day today!

Yes, this is the ridiculous things we do in uni. Note how Leisha's rock candy is almost falling off her tongue. xD

Oh, side note! Remember my rock candies? Well all I did was leave my bottle unattended for like... five minutes last week during rehearsals, and when I went back to get it all my candies were gone. T_T

Meet Prudy! Yes, her daughter is taller then her. Yay! xD

Pretty blind glasses and me sitting on a table.... like a jailhouse? xD

Oh, the most awesome thing happened today! We saw fireworks! The first blast we heard, everyone froze and we thought it was a dynamite. Mun Yee even asked if we needed to hide under the tables wtf damn cute. xD But it was fireworks! From South Quay's opening, according to Bagus and Sarah!
Okay fine, according to someone, its still considered dynamites. BUT THEY ARE THE PRETTY KIND, YES?! Was gushing the whole time cause omgosh these dynamites are the prettiest things♥ We were in the middle of rehearsals when we finally realized they were fireworks, and ran like mad cows across the hallways to get to the bridge to watch. /flails

Meetings/rehearsals usually end at 9pm, and then driver will come pick me up to go homee. OH BUT DRIVER HAS PRETTY THING TO SHOW TODAY. The one he ignored me for days to do. BUT IS PRETTY AND HE CAN GO TO THE LEFT TO THE LEFT CAUSE IS SOO INTRICATE. I don't have the patience nor the skill to do that sadly. Dx
And yeah, I'll usually end up eating my lonely dinner alone in the kitchen and end up here? So yeah, my day's pretty pointless. And how has your day been? ^__^
I'm wondering if I made a mistake. Because they now make me happier then you guys ever could. Perhaps ignorance would be better.
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