My feet. I feel like cutting them off wtf. Try dancing without shoes on parquet floor, trust me, its the worst of worst. T_T On the bright side, finished com assignment yesterday! Now in the words of these two, its time to switch boyfriends. Meet the new one, his name is film & television studies. But i'll start on it tomorrow, too lazy. Now, lets backtrack to... two weeks ago? PROM NIGHTT♥

Did my hair in the afternoon! I really liked them curls! They straightened out after I washed my hair though. T_T
The most awesome girlfriends for the night! ♥
VOTE VOTE VOTE. oh, drama story. So apparently, we were given a choice between table I6 and K6, so we chose I6 cause it was an aisle seat, and very close to the stage. But then, this silly tittering group came and went all 'No we have to sit here. You guys should move, because we booked it first!' or something along those lines anyway. So we initially didn't want to move, but in the end we moved cause we didn't want to cause unnecessary drama. Longer story then this, but thats the gist. BUT STILL. Nothing will ruin prom night for us~
Nominees for Mr. and Miss Monash! The crown bearer was Fumie, and she had a beyond gorgeous dress to wear as she brought them in. /flails
And it took so long for the food to come out! But when it did, the first course was deelish! I'm no veggie person, but goddamnit they had cheesy mayo PLUS extra blue cheese! How could you ever resist something as pwnful as that!
Main course was okay okay nia, so I didn't bother taking a picture. But the dessert was really pretty! Strawberry mousse apparently, but it tasted more like raspberry cake to me. xP
Really pretty prom tickets! They looked like credit cards, but since KML said there were prettier ones she's seen before, I shall digress. xD
Obligatory toilet pictures, though I really really liked the wallpaper! There are more, but I'll save you guys the torture and just post two. The rest are at FB!

Flower from KML! Got home around... yeah. Never mind. But point is, I got home late, and had to get up like ridicu - effing - lously early the next morning. Woken up by someone who sounded way too happy to be alive at such a freaking early time. So needless to say, I got to the temple feeling like the bottom of the garbage pile.
But we had our amazing race! After our weeks of labor, it came to fruition! And its pretty good too, for first timers like ourselves. Thats them playing the clump game!

We played with the blindfolds before they had to use them. NINJA-NESS!
Aww look sho schweet! xD

My station was the boring one, because I had to study for my japanese exam that day and I wanted some peace and quiet. This girl was really cute though! She kept singing and humming random tunes while she worked, and was utter adorableness in pint size. xD
Went home to penang the next day!

Mama had some random surgery done on her lip, so she had to eat soft foods. So I brought baked beans! Not that she likes them, but she didn't have a choice, hah!

Was to visit the grandmother actually, since she's not been at her best lately. But at night we headed out for dinner session with the cousins. Whats a trip to penang without food, nya? My favourite jawa mee stall was closed though. T_T

Went home the very next day though, since I had class and already skipped FTV in the morning. Again, obligatory dadih on the way home! I can never find them here, only in Penang. ><

Look what I found on the way back! xP

And more obligatory ice cream when you stop at Tapah! The one on top was cousin's peanut butter chocolate, because I wanted a wafer and wanted to share with him. My strawberry cheesecake is at the bottom. Yes, I'm boring. But its delicious! ♥

Silly cousin trying to act all cool. xD

Weee! Boring car ride induces a lot of camwhoring sessions, even if I look dead here. Long car rides make me sick, and if it wasn't for the family waiting I would never go. >.<
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