Yeah, been listening to Taylor Swift's permanent marker lately. Weee! I'm starting to like that country girl more and more now, but anyway I digress. Another random photo dump! Cause I'm random like that. Jump shots! Its the latest craze sweeping MPAC lately, but I only have a couple, cause the rest of them are in Cyren's camera. Mei Li takes really pretty jumps shots! Envy her long legs. Grawr.

Ping Tong Wu Lou! Caramel sugar candy lollipop-ish thingies that they sell one every street corner in China. Is nice! But I lost the one I bought before I even got to eat it. T___T Was so emo for the rest of the day.
But is okay! Cause baby bought me another one later that week, so is all awesome again! ♥

Beard Dragon Candy... something. I dunno. What I do know, is that its filled with a mixture of grounded peanuts and sugar and wrapped in some stringy, soft white thingy that melts in your mouth when you eat it. Almost as good as ice - cream. Almost! Except its not cold. xD

More rehearsals! I've been coming home at 10 for the past week, directly on the dot of my curfew. T_T Thats puppy! Tommy acting all lost child again, tsk. xD
Trial run for amazing race! J-by made this strawbie out of a red water balloon! though smart girl go put the cup on her mouth later and ended up with a black ring. xD

Pizza from Teacher Annie after we spent the whole morning planning! Waking up at 6:30 is not on my list of fun-things-to-do. Neither is receiving calls from people before the sun is even freaking up, by the way. *glare*
I had to leave early though, because its Lei's open house! *strikes a pose* Please scroll to the next few camwhore-ing pictures at your own risk! Oh, and the clearer, prettier quality ones are from Leisha's baby. xD

This is me, trying to be bad ass. Did i succeed?! *bounces*

Doing the *coughcough*!

And another one! Yes inside joke I can't risk telling cause it involves names and I don't want anyone to accidentally stumble across it. ^__^


Bikers! On... a piano bench. With sunnies! xD

Apparently baby likes to hijack my camera to camwhore too! Psh. xD

Yes, pretty pointless post. Haven't you guessed the point of this post? *prods around* NEW SKIN. Got bored with my old one and dug around blogskins.com to find a new one. I like it! Simple and pretty. ^_^
Self timelines ; start on assignment 22nd september , study for test 23rd/24th, finish com assignment by 26th september and then can start on ftv. Darn, rehearsals for the whole week during holidays too. Weee! *drops dead*
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