Not really. I'm just listening to Dixie Chicks and being bored. Supposed to get started on my film assignment (where i'm writing about sesame street and spongebob btw. YAY.), but I'm procrastinating. Yes, the funnest assignment of the semester and i'm procrastinating. What does this say about me? xD Anyway. RANDOM PHOTO DUMP COMMENCE?

Invasion of my golden monster again. He got his last vaccination today! Means I can bring him out to gambol now, and seeing as how his a hyperactive little monster, I think it would do him good. xD

San Fran breakfast! Its honey mustard chicken wrap, and its pretty pricey. So I don't usually buy it, but once in a while I like to splurge and indulge? xD

Waffles last week! Monex had some event, and though the event was utter fail, the waffles were awesome possum. Peanut butter chocolate and strawberry butter ftw! Mei Li and I never failed to get one. Except when we had class and couldn't get out. :p

Shadow picture! Took this while the rest of them were rehearsing and I was starving but couldn't go anywhere cause Cyren offered to be my driver for the night and I had to wait for him. Weeeeeee! Shadow pictures make me look presentable. Melodie tied the french braid for me! xD

Subway dinner! Steak and cheese is the best. But he makes me feel guilty by saying its fattening wtf. Thanks. Dx

More golden monster! His taller now, and looks less like a fuzzy puppy and more like a grown up spaniel. Handsome, no?

Got Chocolate Indulgence for her! One slice only, because doubt we could finish the whole cake.

After singing session, went to walk. Saw this damn cunted guy playing the basketball game. He just dunk in again and again, and only missed like... 2% of his shots. Was damn cool♥
Oh! One last thing to end the post and amuse everyone. She's adorableeee♥
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