Right after the day of my final exam, I had to wake up at 4:30. AM. To do what? Catch a flight. Why? Cause I'm going to Phuket for my holidays baby! Granted, its only four days, but its better then none, no? xD
Had McD at LCCT before our flight at 7. I shouldn't have eaten though. It spoilt my apetite on flight. Dx
Reached Phuket Airport around 7.55 A.M Phuket time, and I was amused at what I saw outside the window when we landed. Will explain later. xD
Rented a car! Stepdad said it'll be easier to travel with a rented car. xD
Again, amused by the sight outside the window as we drove. Why? Because its so... so alike to another village in Malaysia. In fact, it reminds me of mainland Penang.
Dropped at a market at Phuket Town, where we saw pretty sites! Again, its like a typical wet market. Except for the foreign language. xD
Bought some sweet potato thingy! Was a bit on the starchy side, but was nice nonetheless. And I was getting hungry since I ate nothing but Hash Browns since morning. xD
Went to Patong Beach after that! To just visit the beach and get lunch because I was stark raving starving by then.
The parentals went to order the food while I ran down to the beach myself for a while. I couldn't resist! Such pretty sights, no?
Played with sand! And pretty slippers, because pink and white is very becoming, and JJ has a very good eye. xD
Coconut shake! They should make those here in Malaysia. Totally the most awesome drink I've had in a while.
Mango shake! Which is nice too! But not as good as coconut shake. Heehee.
Sugar. Which seemed to be on every condiment tray in Phuket, or Thailand for that matter. They do love their sugar, no? xD
Went to the hotel after lunch! Was greeted by nice concierge guy named Chris. He was Korean apparently, but was sent to Phuket to work.
We were given grape juice and a cold towel while we checked in! Perfect, since it was very, very hot. Dx
Ordered room service club sandwich! Before we went back to the beach, because we is hungry. After lunch. Phuket makes you hungry? /shot
Beach is ideal for picture taking, anyone toldchu that? It is! Excuse the fatty layers prz.
Wrote names on the beach! Not my own only la, I not that narcisstic. I wrote for friends too la, but too lazy to put them up. People, go claim from FB!
Saw some kids making sandcastles! Is pretty. ^__^
Oddly enough in Phuket, they had alot of fat, stray dogs wandering around. Sleeping in front of air-conditioned shops when it gets too hot. Lucky doggies. xD
Technically, not night yet. But they still call it night market nonetheless? xD
Bought more fruit shakes! Cause the shakes in Phuket is ftw. This is watermelon and Mango. Without sugar, watermelon pwns. But Mango needs a lil sugar or it'll be rather sour.
Went back to the beach after the walk to see the sunset! ... Sadly, didn't get to see it cause it was too cloudy. But beach is still pretty? xD
And so ends the first day. Just went back to the hotel to sleep after that cause dudeeee we woke up at 4:30am, felt dead tired. xD
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