Stress. Exams exams exams is all I here these days cause apparently, August equals to MUFY topic tests month, all my topic tests and assessments are cramped in to this month, I feel like exploding. My pores
are exploding, I've been having pimples all week. Rawr.
Random pictures from throughout the week.

Random graffiti on
Ben's arms while we were doing the mural at the temple. Me and
JJ got bored and decided to start decorating our boss's arms. :p Yes we're ridiculous sometimes.

Random game we play during Globalization class. Its a reflex game from Kahar's Iphone, which Daniel found wtf. Obsessed with beating Kahar's reflex... I forgot edi what was it. And NO! We did it AFTER we finish our work, lest Miss Uma lambasts us all. :p

Ben's dog, whose SO ADORABLE. She just sits there and waits for you when you come to the edge of her enclosure, with her ears back, tails wagging and looking at you with those big bright hopeful eyes, and when you go nearer she'll jump on you and start licking you omg so cute! Ben I wana kidnap her, can I kidnap her? I WANT HER<3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 320px; height: 256px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5373152190295329010" border="0">Mr.Boss, who JJ said looked cute with the clip-on shades, so I took a picture while he drove us back. Notice the pout? So ghey. xD

Went to Japanese food fair at Pyramid after that. Yes its the first time in a
long while i put on full make up, including mascara and eyeliner, so I took a gazillion pictures whilst on the way there. Shall spare you the misery and only put one though. :p I really like my hair today, good hair day. *grins*

My loot. *evil grin* See the bread in the top corner of the basket? Its melon pan! Melon bread, which is AWESOME<3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 320px; height: 240px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5373153289244180674" border="0">Yes I was too bored to shop. I'm not the typical girl. I don't shop often, and I only do it when the whim hits me, like during the mega sale. I was too lazy to shop today, so I just tagged along while my mom flew from one shop to the other, and I spy lots and lots of mirrors!... No, I shall post only one. See how kind I am? *angelic face*
Dinner at Canton-i, which is really nothing great. I have no idea why people make such a big fuss over Dragon-i and Canton-i when the food is really not all that good. If its good dim sum I want, I'll go to PJ, and if its chinese food, I'll go to my grandma's house. =.= I do like their dessert though.

MANGO! *grabby hands*
Back to studying. Econs assessment tomorrow. *groans* I can't wait for this week to end so that I can get back to watch the new drama I just finished getting, Love Shuffle<3
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