Was at the temple again today to do the painting of our mural. Me and JJ got there first, and we felt lazy wtf. But we still did a bit, cause Boss was on his way. When Boss came bearing the delicacies below though... unproductive day here we come!
Our drinks and his lunch, and what happened was a lot of eating, chatting, and a completely unproductive day. We hardly did anything, except did some touch ups and polishing ups. Rawwr.
And then I went home to hear that apparently, my housing area is getting threatened for wanting to terminate our contract with them, when they didn't do a proper job in the first place. No patrols, sleeping on the job, and now the head is saying he'll 'kacau' my family if my stepdad wants to terminate the contract, wtf.
Don't know if I should feel pissed or scared. Too numb to feel anything. I wana sleep but I can't sleep. Stupid internal clock.
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