Anyway! Remember what I said about watching a movie a couple of days ago? It was 'Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past', and I have to say, it wasn't all that bad, even if its essentially such a guy movie. I kept going 'such an ass' at the beginning of the movie, cause the hero, Connor Mead, is really an ass of a womanizer.

But apparently, Connor has one love. His first and true love, his childhood friend, Jenny Perotti, whom he scorned because he was afraid of commitment, and he left her years ago. They meet at his brother's wedding, where Connor was forced to face his past, present, and bleak future if he continued as he was, the womanizer he wanted to be. Three ghosts came to him, one of the past, one from his present, and another from future.
I'm going to stop now, in case I give out spoilers, but I have to say, it wasn't all that bad. Really sweet towards the ending, and how Connor still went back to Jenny. I like the concept of one love for a lifetime, but thats just me being the romantic I am. xP I have to say, the ghost of girlfriend future was gorgeous though! If I'm not mistaken, she was Olga Maliok, a model or something. Darn gorgeous.
On another note, I just came back from my Bio Topic Test 1. Wouldn't say I did good, but probably better then Econs, which I screwed so badly I feel like stabbing myself. = ( The only thing I'm looking forward to is the Sunday movie I have date with Sophia. The Proposal. Lene said it was good, so I'm giving it a shot. xP
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