Its the 1st of May~ Its Labor day~ Its a holi-holidaaay~
Ok fine, so its not labor day anymore, but it WAS a holiday, and I was so damn happy. Yes I get happy over the tiniest things these days, and a holiday to a college girl is a damn big thing okay. one day break from all the assignment assessments madness. And i went to PYRAMID! Partly to get a present for my cousin, and partly to shop. And shop I did. :p bought myself a new top, but then i had to go home before 3 to help prepare for my brother's house party.

we made satay! For those of you who don't kow, the pic on top is a tub of chicken meat marinated in kunyit and rempah overnight, before you slide them on sticks to form satay.

its not THAT tiring work, but sitting in the kitchen without a fan in the afternoon making 200 sticks of satay is no fun work. >.<
And then after that, we had to wash the tables and chairs for the party the next day. washing part wasn't that hard, it was these darn dogs! they kept getting underfeet. Rawr.

my dogs just had to get underfeet while i wash. it took two rounds of scolding before Sammie here consigned to her water bowl,

while my Boyboy just stared adorably cute at us with an innocent face. and i'm a sucker for innocent faces. *smacks self*

then cause we didn't want to waste time that night cooking, plenty more preparation for the party the next day, we had pizza for dinner! yes, kitten loves her pizza. No take pizza from her, or she shalleth eat you. *nomnom*
next day, we headed to my brother's house in the afternoon with my grandma's curry puff's, fried beehoon and mee, and then started the fire for the satay. 3rd uncle started the fire, while I was playing with the neighbor's dog.

the fire was so pretty! The flames licked the charcoal till everyting turned reddish hue-ish. This picture was took when the fire first started to fan out. It looked like a dance. :B

this is kunyit powder in cooking oil, and using pounded serai as a brush. its a must have n every satay barbequing session! Though really, I don't know why. :p make it more fragrant?

satay barbequeing session! The place was damn bloody hot, and it took darn long lor. Cause there was such a small space. I didn't actually go near the stove thingy after the fire was going strong, cause it was so hot. My brother and cousin did most of the barbeque-ing.

failed attempt at self timer. :p it was so hard to get the position right! And i wasn't really helping with the satay barbeque-ing at all in the end, cause it was so hot, and I was going to bathe, so I didn't want to get sweaty.

this was the neighbor's golden retriever, Girl Girl, the cutest thing! She would pop her head through the wall cracks and look at everyone with her tail wagging and big eyes looking at everyone with her tongue lolling out.

Amazingly, it was the smaller dog, the Pug, who was a fierce little bugger. and then the fire was started, and we started barbeqeuing teh satay!
and during the party, we ate, talked, ate, talked, ate, ate, and did i mention eat? xD of course, camwhore pictures are a must. my cousins came, from my mom's side.

wtf I don't know why but we started talking about our old school, and i literally rolled my eyes when he told me all about whats happening back there when he went back to visit. I mean, yeah sure, I love my old school nad all, but the so-called 'politics' happening there is ridiculous.
but anyway!

we celebrated my cousin's birthday! 5kg black forest cake for him bought by my brother, and the guy whose 25 years old and without a girlfriend is here!
pimp him people. he needs a girlfriend. preferably a sweet lady approved by his fathers who stays in Melaka? xD Kidding. Serioulsy though, he needs a girlfriend. =.= even his father his asking me to look for a girl for him! how desperate does that look? bargh. oh, and i look horrible in the 2nd photo, please ignore. :D
and then later that night, needed to go pick up two more of my cousins from the Lee Hom concert I was supposed to go to. T_T I couldnt go because of the darn party. i wanted to go so badly can! I even had a free ticket from my friend, but I couldn't go all because my brother scheduled his house party on the exact same day. *pout*
Night scenery was so cool though! Its amazing how peaceful it feels at night. Night time is associated to widely with robbery and rape, I feel it such a pity that the shroud of darkness is used to cover such dirty acts, when it is really such a peaceful time, and one filled with the beauty of silence.
okay enough of the poetic nonsense. xD amazingly, there was a jam! Traffic jam! at 12.42am in the morning!!!! road block by police wtf. no wonder la. fetched them, zomg saw lee hom for 2 seconds when I fetched them XDDDDD, and then reached back home at 1.53, and was so dead tired I fell dead asleep. and then the next day still had to wake up early to get to the temple, but sunday class is one thing i would never miss, so moot point. :p