The bears they had on decoration was huge too. Like seriously, HUGE. The leg itself was the size of the beanbags we had in school, except less fat.
Dinner at Madam Kwan's was alright, but I love the veggie the mother ordered. It was... so aromatic, though the portion they gave was a bit too tiny. It was reallyyy good. But then again, Madam Kwan's cost a bomb, so it'll probably be a while before I go back there. A while meaning a couple of years. xD
Again, not much shopping done in Midvalley, cause I think we bought our fill already. But we went grocery shopping! Cause it was Christmas Eve, me and the cousin wanted to make Christmas Eve supper. xD
Pastry, potatoes and eggs to make pie, pizza and potato salad!
We even set the table prettily for the clock to strike 12 and invite Christmas in. Even if we don't usually celebrate Christmas, but me and the cousin just wanted an excuse to cook up a storm. xP
Mango and berries yogurt as the drink, which we made ourself.
Pizza! I tried to copy what Dave's did, and used mayonnaise for the base spread, instead of tomato paste. I think I like it that way. xP
Pretty table all set and waiting for the clock to strike 12. ^_^
And the clock strikes 12. Merry Christmas to everybody and then we omnom'ed all our food. well, not all since it was so late and we couldn't finish everything at once, but we ate with gusto anyway, cause we had dinner early. xP

Headed back home to the Grandma's place in Kedah on Monday! Time spent with cousins is always awesome, and even more now that we don't have to harp on our parents to bring us out these days. xD

The younger batch. xD We were burning the bullet ants outside of the house when it started raining, and of course the younger ones can't bear to be away from the action, so we gave them an umbrella. xD

And the older batch. Yes, we get an umbrella too. Though unlike the kids, we don't all fit under one umbrella. xD
Cousins' birthday on 29th! So we celebrated it for her on the stroke of midnight. Surprised her actually. I was holding her captive and unknown in the backroom while the rest of the cousins prepare in front, so the pictures were taken by cousin's osm DSLR outside. xD
Group picture! Not everyone here though, cause it was late and some had went over to my uncle's house, but good enough for now.
again, eating. We tend to eat at all hours of the day somehow. Dx Not good. But Chocolate Indulgence was good!♥
The next day, her birthday, I promised her I'd make pizza for her. So I did. At 11pm. Because we went out to eat Jawa Mee at 4pm, and we weren't hungry during dinner. xD Speaking of Jawa Mee, I'd post up pictures of all my favourite food back at home, but I can't! Cause I stupidly, accidentally deleted all my pictures. T_T But stuff like Jawa Mee, Hokkien Mee, Wantan Mee, curry mee... all the stuff I don't eat here, I'll take them back at Penang. Because they is epiclly good there, somehow.
Found this butterfly outside gramma's house! Again, DSLR takes osm pictures. xP
We headed off to Penang Island on my third last day there, because its like... some tradition or something. Oh, of course we wanna eat the food there too. But before that, pictures with the gramma and grandpa!
Random pictures of the cousins all piled up on one another. As usual. We're usually on someone's bed or other, all piled up in a bundle having a 'meeting', as we call it. xD
Ambushed the grandpa in the kitchen boiling water. :p
One last picture before the lot of us headed off to Penang Island!
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