Wednesday, April 14, 2010

stand again and i'll stand by you

Ever tried being in a situation where you just have to drop a subject, because you know harping on it will only hurt you more. I have.

But you know, I know, the world knows, dropping something, forgetting someone is never easy. Would never be. Especially so when you've spent the last few years fixated on a subject. You know how its like, the daydreams that filtrate to your fantasies? The images that are so brightly hued, finding their way in your dreams, making it seem so real, you feel extra disappointed when you wake up? The dreams that feel you in with so much hope and happiness... and everything just crashes when you wake up.

Its that disappointment, that feeling that just tugs at the corner of your heart and never lets up that I really don't like. I feel the same thing after I finish a book, that feeling of non-closure. But unlike a book where I can just hop on to Word and write something about it to get rid of it, I can't do it for this one.

There is no 'happy ending', there ain't no prince charming. There's only me and foolish wishes, paper cranes and shooting stars that only look pretty, but have no meaning. Wishes don't come true, dreams ain't reality.

Its time for me to wake up from the dream, to slap myself up and live in reality. But like how its not easy to forget, it isn't easy to stand back up on my own two feet again.

All I want is to stand up again, in hopes that I will someday hear someone say the words 'i'll stand by you'.

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