Went to Subang Parade to pick up two paintings the parental units bought for decorations at the new house which they bought last week. They drove the Volve S40 to Parade to pick it up, and this was what happened.

They couldn't fit the painting in to the boot! I was standing in the carpark for like half an hour sweltering in the heat while they try to figure out how to put the painting it. In the end, I was the one who ended up taking care of the painting. Like this.

Not amused. My feet hurt! And I felt so constricted. But they brought me for a Japanese dinner, so I'm happy. :D :D Yes I'm easily coaxed, all it takes is something I like, is all. :p

Pretty cool ambience. The seating on the floor was above on the second level, and they even provided these shoe cupboards for you to put your shoe in so you don't clutter up the place. The 'key's were special. They were these block of woods.

Unless you slot these wooden plates in to the slot provided, you can't open the cupboard. Don't know how the mechanism works, but I thought it was adorable, the concept. The place was a little pricey though, and I doubt I'll be going back there again, but if you're willing to fork out the bucks, its not bad. Pretty authentic, and the food wasn't bad.

From top, my sukiyaki set, my mom's grilled salmon set, and my stepdad's teriyaki beef set with garlic fried rice. I don't favor their chawan mushi, but their miso soup is nice, with some red strips which I have no idea
what are those, but they're umai. Oh, and my favorite dish, is actually a side dish.

Creamy Croquette! Its practically mashed potato fried in batter, but Rakuzen somehow makes their potato filling extremely creamy and awesome, and I'm a sucker for creamy and soft stuff. Yes odd, but I like mushy food. I even like my rice to be soft and mushy, and my maggi to be soft and slushy. The momzers calls it disgusting. xP

Wafer ice cream for dessert! The biscuit itself was a little too soggy, but I like the ice cream. Can't say its all that nice though. All in all Rakuzen's a nice restaurant with nice ambience, albeit a little pricey, but if you want to try it just once, I say go ahead. :D
Exam tomorrow. Econs. I can't wait for my finals to be over and done with in a month damn its. Then its HELLO HOLIDAYS FOR TWO MONTHS. And there's NOTHING to worry about either. Damn can time go any slower. ;_;