the weather has been insane for the past few days. the week before, it was hot as sin. so hot that i could wear my tank tops out with nothing at all, and i could hardly sleep at night. the small fan i have is not helping much. =.= we even had a water fight on the way back from the gym! more like Britt threw some water on me and i couldn't not retaliate, so there you go. xD and then it turned so bloody cold this week. temperature was at eight degrees last night. EIGHT. i'm not even in the double digits anymore! Dx

ooh, Brit and Carly made mexican food for us last week too! mainly cause me, frank and fish have no idea what tacos or enchilada's are, and they were horrified. I have to say, while I like taco's and enchiladas though, I love
love love guacamole they made with avocado and sour cream. I've never eaten avocado before, and while I suspect I wouldn't like the fruit as it is, making it in to nachos dip is the best thing invented since sliced bread. *drools*

Pam messaged all of us partway through dinner though, and apparently it was Ken's birthday the next day, hence midnight celebration! The cake she made was gorgeous. O-o

I can't remember what Frank got in trouble for though, but he got in trouble and Pam served him the epic nipple cripple. xD It was hilarious, you've gotta be there to see it. But video's up on youtube! *shot*

Grocery shopping is making me lazy lately. Never take for granted the presence and luxury of a car, I swear my legs are going to gain muscles from all the walking I do here. Their sausages are amazing though. I've never had sausages this good back home. :Q

Oh, made teh tarik for the guys the other night! Technically la, my best shot at teh tarik. Because I was craving for some good milk tea, and they said they wanted some too. Oddly enough, the nitpicky idiots actually said it tastes good! xD

Had dinner with Fish only the other night! Two potato freaks eating all things potato. She made mashed potato, which was heavenly, and I made my layered creamed potatoes. It was amazinggg. :Q

Random advertisement break! This girl is adorable. I'm going to miss her majorly when I go back. Actually, I'm going to miss everyone majorly when I go back. T_T Tickets booked already!! And while I can't say I don't want to go back, I'm going to miss this place horribly, and everyone in this place. T_T

Oh, bought a kindle cover the other day! It finally arrived on Monday. My kindle has clothes now! No more chances of getting scratches on it, and hopefully this will protect it from any other malfunctions like what happened last time too. *cross fingers*
And now I have to return to doing work. Its an avalanche of assignments, readings and work in general, and I have to get them all done if I want any hope of me having a holiday during mid-sem break, and going down to the city during weekends. Dx
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