weekly update? i guess. this is only because i'm pulling my hair out over the second half of my assignment, since I have no idea how to start it, and I'm nowhere near finishing it. Tears of frustration, cue. Dx

Stupid child hurt his hand. Actually, scratch hand, he hurt his whole body getting bulldozed by a bunch of buff footballers while he was playing with them. xDD Scrawny asians shouldn't play with caucasians.

FOOD! seems to be a running theme while I'm here, food. xD This was from Churchill Chinese, the nearest chinese restaurant around. The food is pretty good though, and the Szechuan chicken was amazing<3

My most boring lecture,
ever. Its a first year unit, and while I'm hoping it'll be an easy HD, at the same time the lectures are so painfully boring cause everything they tell me is stuff that I go 'been there, done that' at, and its so frustrating. >.<

Nachos and guacamole! ever since Brit made Mexican the other night, I've been addicted to this and to enchiladas. Its so unhealthy, the sour cream in guacamole, but oh so good. :Q

TROLLEY! Random trolley we saw someone abandon around the south residences. he/she had a bright idea though, especially since carrying your heavy groceries back is
torture, and it only takes 2 dollars for one trolley anyway. xD

Made dumplings for dinner the other night! Partly cause I was craving and partly cause I was bored.

Well, technically I just made the dough and the filling and threw it at the kids and they made dumplings for me while i prepared the rest of dinner. Played though, seems to be the more appropriate word. When I came back, I had dumplings all right... in all shapes and sizes. xD

WE POPPED OVER TO THE SOUTH REC AFTERWARDS! Again, like I said, we were bored. There's really only so much you can do on a weekend night here, and limited options on entertainment. xD

I messed around on the piano awhile, but I miss my guitar so much. ): Crossing fingers the parentals are taking care of it and I won't find a mangled mess when I get back!! D:

While guys played pool/snooker. I played with them afterawhile when I got bored. Horrible though. D: I swear I suck to high heavens at this game, my aim is always off. T_T

Pam ambushed us, and then we headed over to her flat! Where she made us all fat with brownies and ice cream. The mother of gippsland is epic awesome in fattening up her children... maybe she wants to cook us for dinner!! xD

She has a majorly extensive nail polish collection though. Couldn't resist nipping some. :P So while she did Fish's nails...
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