Somehow I'm not too surprise that I seem to have taken (read: GIVEN. SHOVED AT) the position of cook again. Spent two out of four days last week cooking for friends in south seven, because they be Malaysian and they miss curry and I just happened to have curry mix that I brought over from the PJ market. xD
Ended up burning myself too, on the oven grill, but no surprise there. xD I've had a stiletto stab me in the foot, got a carpet burn, cut myself on the train and burnt myself on the grill. Daily life of self, really.

Played badminton with friends on Thursday night at the leisure centre in La Trobe, and I'm so bad at badminton now. Haven't played in years really. >.<

Went to the city on Friday morning! Took the V-line train with Fish, and it was a two bloody hour ride I wanted to claw my way out. >.< Surprisingly though, my motion sickness is not too bad in the train, I could even read while on our way there! We shopped from Flinders all the way up to Melbourne Central, where Tong met up with her friend, and I met Mei Li! Finally, after we've been here for so long. :P

We watched a movie and had dinner in Central before she brought me back to her place in Carnegie, and the next morning she borrowed her brother's car and we went to Ikea! Meatballs there was shit, but at least they had Daim cake! Makes up for the lack of daim cake in KL now. >.< I even bought three packets of the meatball sauce so I could cook it back in my dorm, but somehow her brother misplaced it and we have no idea where it is now. ._.

We went to Ikea purely for food though, and after that we took the short drive to Chadstone so we could shop! She had to buy her towel, and I was quite sure I had nothing to buy, but I ended up spending quite a bit as well since when Australia has sales, damn their things are dirt cheap. The pair of heels you see there is five dollars, but they were too high I would fall to my death. xD

Cooked dinner for her and her brother that night! This is turning in to a habit. Even her brother is calling me their hired cook. Not even hired! Since according to him, if they hire me, they would have to pay me, so I'm their slave. ): Soup was a failure though that night! Epic sadness and embarassment. ):

Next morning, Wing Li drove us over to QV market for churros and doughnuts! Their doughnuts weren't as good anymore, sadly. ): But the churros was good! Extremely messy to eat, but oh, so, good. *slurps*

We sorta went overboard buying Ipod/Iphone covers as well, but they were all so pretty! Malaysia never has such pretty choices! D:

Her brother then dropped us at Lygon street for lunch before he went off with his friend. Italian lunch was amazing, risotto is much love<3 And then we had Il Dolce gelato, which was good! So very very good, but I'm still curious about the Trampoline gelato, which we shall get at Chadstone the next time I go over. xP

It wasn't even five when we finished our gelato, so we had the spur of the moment decision to go to Brighton Beach from Central! It was easy, just a matter of taking the train. The beach was pretty, but oh so cold! xD

Had to wait twenty minutes for our train to go back at seven though, so we just sat at the train station with junk food and talked. Of course, had to wait for miss mei li to check in first, the foursquare whore. xD Had dinner at Shyun Sushi on Koonawarra road, which was near her house! Everything near her house is pretty much good, really. Lucky girl. D:

I had to go back already the next day, so she brought me over to her uni in the morning, where we had scallops and yakitori at Tower Sushi for lunch, with Bubble Cup! And then I took the train back. Boooo. Now assignments are piling up and its insane cause everything is due on the same damn date and I'm about to drown in all my assignments. ;_;
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